Iako na prvi pogled kombinovanje crne i bele važi za “siguricu” , nikada do sada nisam ni pomišljala da uklopim belu torbu sa crnom obućom, ali sam pošla od toga da oba komada imaju na sebi zlatne detalje i da će to biti zanimljiv spoj. Rešila sam se za usku, ženstvenu suknju do kolena u beloj boji, i bluzu bez rukava crne boje, kao kontrast. Dodala sam i upečatljiv nakit, mamin sat, mindjušu koja ide duž uva i isto takav prsten, koji dakle ide duž prsta. 🙂 Koralni ruž i talasasta “messy hair” kosa upotpunile su outfit, a inače se u ovakvim ženstvenim kombinacijama najbolje osećam.
Although the combination of black and white is considered a winning combination at first sight, I’ve never been thinking of wearing white bag with black shoes (or sandals in my case), but I did it, in this outfit, for the first time. And I love it. Both pieces have gold details and I thought it would be an interesting combination. I decided to wear it with midi bodycon skirt in white and a sleeveless black colored blouse, as a contrast. I added a striking jewelry; my mother’s watch, ear cuff and a cuff ring. Coral lipstick and wavy, messy hair completed the look. I feel good and confident in a feminine outfits like this one.
I was wearing:
sandals: Tom Ford
skirt: Mango
top: Wolford
watch: vintage, from my mum
earring: H&M
photos by my doll Jovana
ova torba je savrsenstvo!!! divan outfit.. kiss
Na ovom sajtu mozete krejirati majce, dukseve i jos mnogo toga po vasme ukusu, i ponuditi citavom svetu. Ako ste kreativni i imate stila, pokusajte