Ovakvu kombinaciju bih nazvala “kežual šik”. Iscepane farmerke najviše volim nositi uz blejzere, žutu boju posebno volim da nosim, a i zbog zanimljivih linija i printa, ovaj sako mi je fantastičan. Za dnevnu varijantu biram ravne čizmice (ove su bili odličan ulov, uhvatila sam ih na sniženju u Stradivariusu), a za noćni izlazak na ovu kombinaciju samo dodajte (nude špicaste) cipele na štiklu i spremni ste. Minđuše sam napravila sama od vintage zihernadli.
Outfits like this I would call would call “casual chic“. I like to wear ripped jeans with blazers, I think that is the best mix and match combo. I especially like to wear yellow color, and this blazer with interesting lines and prints is fantastic to me. For daily wear I choose flat boots (these were a great haul, I found them on sale in the Stradivarius store), and for a night out I would just add nude pointy highs. Earrings are DIY, made from vintage Versace safety pins (took them from moms old blazer).
I was wearing:
bag: Zara
booties: Stradivarius
jeans, blazer: Zara
rings: H&M
t-shirt: F21
Svidjaju mi se farmerice 🙂
love it! very nice!
Izgledas sjajno 🙂
Super farke!! Čizme takođe 😀