Crno belo kombinacije su klasika, a jako je zanimljivo kombinovati uz bilo koju boju, a ja sam se ovaj put rešila na sivu. Zimi obožavam slojeve, a kao poseban šik detalj, odlučila sam se za šešir. Bela duga košulja ispod crnog džempera je odličan odabir za bilo koju situaciju, a outfit uz ovakve slojeve postaje interesantniji i upečatljiviji.
Black and white color combination is the most classic color scheme of all, and it’s very interesting to combine with any color, this time I decided to mix it with gray. During winter time, I love wearing layers, and as a special chic detail, I opted for a hat. Black sweater with a white shirt inside is a perfect winter outfit, great choice for any occasion, outfit with layers is more interesting and engrossing.
I was wearing:
leather pants with zippers: Zara
boots: H&M
coat: Stradivarius
hat: street market
sweater: Liu Jo
shirt, bag: Zara
Dali bi nam mogla pokazati sta nosis dok imas menstruaciju, posto si rekla da ne nosis tampone(kao i ja) ali ja uvek imam probleme sto se tice outfita jer se bojim da se nesto nebi videlo ..