Svetli teksas i bela boja uvek su po meni bili idealni spoj, a nekada mnogo više volim kombinovati (kratke) haljinice sa kratkim čizmicama nego sa sandalama. Posebno u ovakvim vremenskim uslovima. U toku fotkanja, krenula je lagana kišica, što je imalo velikog efekta na moju frizuru, ali šta da se radi. 🙂 Meni ostaje da uz ovu savršenu belu haljinicu prizivam leto i toplije temperature.
Bright jeans and white color were always a perfect match for me. Sometimes I prefer to wear summer dresses with booties than sandals, it’s more boho chic.
It feels more cozy and it combines really nice with bright denim jacket.
Was wearing:
booties: H&M
dress, earrings: Zara
jacket: vintage
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