Pored vode najviše volim da provodim vikende, da odmaram, da se resetujem, da uživam u društvu najdražih prijatelja. Ovo je bio jedan takav vikend, iako je falilo sunca, temperatura je bila iznad proseka za januar pa smo mogli da uživamo kao da je proleće na mom omiljenom mestu u Beogradu, kraj reke . Ovaj put, za outfit sam odabrala 3 boje, belu, crnu i ljubičastu. Inspiraciju za boje a i sam outfit dopila sam sa kačketa koji sam jedva čekala da nosim, a u ovaj crno – beli kaput sam prosto zaljubljena, divan je za kombinovanje.
I like to spend my weekends by the water, to rest, to reset, to enjoy the company of dearest friends. This was one of those weekends, although the sun was missing, the temperature was above average for January so we could enjoy it as it was spring, in my favorite place in Belgrade, by the (Sava) river. This time, for the outfit I chose three colors, white, black and purple. I got the inspiration for the colors from the cap that I could not wait to wear, and the black – white coat I just love, it’s wonderful to combine with anything.
I was wearing:
coat: Caractère
cap: Primark
pants: Bershka
wedges: F21
bag: Juicy Couture
Hvala mojoj balerini Ivi na fotkicama!:)
Odlicna kapica i kaput. I ja isto najvise volim opustene vikende uz prijatelje. 🙂