Sve je počelo od kapkejksa. Ne bilo kakvih kapkejksa. Ovi su u buketu i u isto vreme su najlepši a i najukusniji bidermajer! 🙂 Onda je na red došla haljina. Trebala nam je venčanica, ali nesvakidašnji bidermajer ipak traži nešto zanimljivije od standardne venčanice. Čim sam videla ovu venčanicu – haljinu u “Carrie Bradshaw” stilu, znala sam da je to ono što nam treba. I jedne lude sandale i ogrlica da zaokruže celu priču. Naravno, ništa bez limuzine. A ovo je naša priča…
It all started from cupcakes. Very special cupcakes The ones that are at the same time the most beautiful and most delicious bouquet! 🙂 Then came the dress. We needed a wedding dress, but an unusual biedermeier requires something more interesting than a standard wedding dress. As soon as I saw this, “Carrie Bradshaw – style” (wedding) dress, I knew that that was it. And one statement necklace and striking sandals to spice it all up. Of course, nothing without a limousine. And this is our story …
Thank you all dear people for making this happen!:)
cupcake bouquet: Hangri kapkejk
limo: Iznajmljivanje Limuzina –
hairdo: Aleksandar Orlovic
makeup: Nina Stojanovic – tel: 063/14 000 16
photos by:Pedja Vuckovic http://
Anonymous says
Natali says
Super za post i outfit post. Preslatko izgledas 🙂
Em says
Pa ja sam tek sad primetila da ti imas zelene oci 🙂
Jovana J says
Trebali su te provozati do NS da popijemo kafu u limuzini, dugacije ne stizemo da se vidimo :-))) Preslatka si :-*