Danas kao da je počela prava zima, vreme je da se ozbiljno utoplimo i ne izlazimo napolje bez debelih kaputa. Sećam se da je ovakav model nosila moja mama, a sada ga nosim i ja. Sa lažnim krznom na reverima, izgleda veoma šik i otmeno a u isto vreme i greje. Volim da nosim svetle boje zimi, a bež ide uz apsolutno sve. Iscepane farmerice se lepo uklapaju i uz jedan ovakav, elegantniji kaput, kontrast mi se jako dopada. A oversized udobni džempiri su mi omiljeni kada zahladni, lepo izgledaju, a što je još bitnije – topli su!:) Želim vam fantastičan vikend, utoplite se ispod ćebeta uz dobru knjigu ili film, neka vas greje omiljena osoba, kafa, čaj, topla čokolada, kuvano vino… Zima može biti tako čarobna, zar ne?
Today is seriously cold day here in Belgrade and it’s time to warm up and wear warm coats.
I remember that this my mom used to wear type of coat, and now I wear it and love it, too. This lovely wool coat with patch pockets and fur lapel looks very chic and classy at the same time and what is most important, it keeps me warm! I love wearing bright colors during the winter, and beige goes with absolutely everything. Ripped jeans fit nicely with this elegant coat, I like the contrast! very much. A comfortable oversized sweaters are my favorite when it gets cold, they look so nice and warm me up! 🙂 I wish you a fantastic weekend, stay warm under a blanket with a book or movie, melt in the arms of loved ones, drink hot beverages as coffee, tea, hot chocolate, enjoy… Winter can be so magical, is not it?
I was wearing:
boots: Shoe Star
coat, sweater, bag, jeans: Zara
necklace: F21
Bojana N. says
Odličan post! 🙂 XOXO
Kaca says
Frizura ti je nikad bolja!!!! :*
MiaBlogovic says
jedna je Zara <3