Imala sam tu sreću da po drugi put posetim večni grad, prelepi Rim, i ovoga puta sam želela da i sa vama podelim mesta koja morate videti . U ovom outfit postu, krenula sam od:
- Koloseuma, koji je naravno neizostavna stavka u Rimu.
- Zatim sam išla do Rimskog Foruma, kada uplatite Koloseum, dobijate ulaznicu i za ovaj forum, meni najomiljenije istorijsko mesto u Rimu.
- Zatim se treba popeti na brdo Capitolino, levo od Foruma. Tu možete videti bronzanu kapitolinsku vučicu koja doji blizance Romula i Rema, koji su 753. p. n. e prema legend, osnovali grad Rim.
- Sa desne strane nalazi se prelepa crkva Santa Maria in Aracoeli (ovde se venčao slavni fudbaler Francesco Totti), a kada nju prođete, dolazite do vrha nacionalnog spomenika Viktoru Emanuelu II. – Il Vittoriano”. Kada se nadjete na ovoj terasi, pored nestvarnog pogleda, zadiviće vas druželjubivi galebovi, a ja predlažem da sednete u bar I častite se njihovim čuvenim kapućinom i čiz kejkom (ukoliko ste sladokusci, obavezno posetite i poslasticarnicu Pompi). Ovde se liftom možete popeti I do samog vrha, sa nezaboravnim pogledom na ceo grad Rim.
- Kada se prođe Piazza Venezia i spusti niz stepenište, nakon kraće šetnje dolazi se do spomenika Bocca della Verità ili Usta istine, koji je i danas vrlo posećen objekt, u koji turisti guraju ruke i fotografišu se za uspomenu iz Rima. U srednjem veku se raširila legenda da je ovaj objekat napravio čarobnjak Vergilije, da bi se njime koristili muževi i žene koji sumnjaju u vernost svog bračnog druga.
- Pored svega ovoga, nikako ne treba zaobići Vatikan i crkvu Sv Petra. I obavezno se popnite na kupolu Sv Petra. Penjanje je stvarno tesko, ali uzbudljivo a pogled predivan, i vredan cele muke.
- Deo grada koji se zove Trastevere je fenomenalan za večere, ima divne restorane i nalazi se uz reku.
- Via Venetto je najekskluzivnija ulica u gradu, lepa za šetnju, u njoj se nalazi i Hard Rock caffe.
- Kada krenete u šoping, moj predlog je je Via del Corso (kreće od Piazza Venezie i ide sve do Piazza del Popolo, trga koji treba posetiti, kao i Il Parco di Villa Borghese, predivan park koji se nalazi iznad ovog trga ) i Via dei Condoti za luksuznije radnje. Usput ćete videti i prelepu fontanu di Trevi.
- Postoje I tržni centri, EUR Roma I meni lično lepši, Porta di Roma Shopping Centre.
Ukratko, to bi bilo to, ovo je jedan od retkih gradova u svetu kome se svi vraćaju I za koji jedna poseta nije dovoljna, a ako do sada niste, obavezno ga posetite!
I was so lucky to visit Rome for the second time, I love this gorgeous eternal city! And here are the places that you must see. In this outfit post, you will find my Ultimate Guide to Rome – City Break.
I went from:
- The Colosseum, which is of course an essential place in Rome.
- Then I went to the Roman Forum, combined ticket – Colosseum Roman Forum is valid for 2 days, this forum is my favorite historical place in Rome.
- After, you should climb the Capitolino hill, on the left side of the Forum. Here you can see The Capitoline Wolf is a bronze sculpture of a she-wolf suckling twin infants, inspired by the legend of the founding of Rome.
- On the right side there is a beautiful church Santa Maria in Aracoeli – St. Mary of the Altar of Heaven (here the famous football player Francesco Totti got married), and when you pass it, you will reach the top of the monument to Victor Emmanuel II. “Il Vittoriano”. Few words can adequately describe the simply breathtaking view which may be enjoyed from the Terrace of the Quadrigas on top of the this Monument. Two glass lifts, which first went into use in 2007, take visitors up to the top of this massive marble monument for a unique 360 degree panorama of the eternal city. The view is all-embracing, taking in the majesty of the Colosseum, the splendour of the Imperial Forums, the magnificent churches of the historic centre, the River Tiber and Jewish Ghetto to sweep across to Capitol Hill and the Quirinale and even stretch as far as the Mussolini era-built district of EUR and the group of towns located south of Rome known as the Castelli Romani.
- Make sure to go to the bar here, and try cappuccino and cheese cake, it is so delicious.
- When you pass the Piazza Venezia and go down the stairs, a short walk leads to the monument Bocca della Verità, or Mouth of Truth, is an image, carved from Pavonazzo marble, of a man-like face, located in the portico of the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin. The Mouth of Truth is known to English-speaking audiences mostly from its appearance in the 1953 film Roman Holiday. The film also uses the Mouth of Truth as a storytelling device since both Hepburn’s and Peck’s characters are not initially truthful with each other.
- In addition to all this, you must visit Vatican and St. Peter’s Basilica. And be sure to climb the Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. Climbing is really difficult, but exciting and worthy of all of the trouble, the view is so beautiful!
- Part of town called Trastevere is phenomenal for dinner, there are wonderful restaurants and is located along the river.
- Via Veneto is the most exclusive street in the city, beautiful for walking, and there you will find the Hard Rock Cafe.
- When you go shopping, my suggestion is the Via del Corso (moving from Piazza Venezia and goes all the way to the Piazza del Popolo, a square to be visited, as well as Il Parco di Villa Borghese, a beautiful park that is located above the square) and Via Condotti (officially Via dei Condotti) is a busy and fashionable street of Rome for luxurious stores. Along the way you will see and beautiful Trevi Fountain.
- And there are shopping centers, EUR Roma and Porta di Roma Shopping Centre that I prefer.
Shortly, this is it, this is one of the few cities in the world where all wanna come back, one visit is not enough, and if you have not already, be sure to visit!
I was wearing:
tee: H&M
sunnies: Ray Ban
necklace: from London
skirt: F21
bag; Stradivarius
sandals: Bershka
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predivne fotografije 🙂
divan Rim 🙂 super casual kombinacija, osobito torba 🙂