Bliže se mature ali se otvara i sezona venčanja, pa ovim outfitom dajem predlog za obe situacije. Ovaj Oasap kompletić krop topa i široke suknje A kroja nosila sam na jedno venčanje u Kikindi.Veoma udobna i damska kombinacija, a u isto vreme upečatljiva i drugačija, savršena je za prilike kao što je odlazak na nečije venčanje, gde većina devojaka nosi kratke pripijene haljinice. Volim kompletiće jer se za razliku od haljine mogu nositi i odvojeno i uvek izgledati drugačije.
As wedding season has arrived, and also the girls are thinking what should they wear to prom, I would like to suggest you this kind of outfit for both occasions.
The shops are packed with floral prints and summery dresses that are perfect for graduation and wedding season, and I thing the set is much better than just a dress because you can wear them separately, several times. This lovely royal blue two-piece ensemble featuring giant yellow blooms, including a sleeveless crop top is from Oasap and you can order yours now!:) I wore it for a wedding in Kikinda.It was very comfortable, feminine, chic and ladylike, and at the same time striking and different, perfect for occasions like going to someone’s wedding, where most of the girls wear a short tight dress.
Was wearing:
Skirt & Top Set: Oasap
shoes: Zara (last season)
necklace: Bangkok haul
And my new vlog is out:
Dužina i kroj suknje su savršeni!
Pomalo licis na Oliviu Palermo kad se nasmejes!:) Prelepa kombinacija, bas mi se dopada sto je dezen topa i suknje namerno isti 🙂
Kako ti je stigao komplet i koliko si cekala? Znas li mozda iz koje zemlje je firma koje salje te stvari?
Komplet stize za 15-ak dana postom, iz Kine. 🙂