Iako su najavljivali puno kišovitih dana u Berlinu, samo je jedan bio takav, ali nije mnogo smetalo da bude savršen. Počeo je obilaskom Berlinskog zida. Da li ste znali da su prvi evropski grafiti nastali početkom osamdesetih i to ni manje ni više nego na Berlinskom zidu, a njima su (umetnici) skretali pažnju građanima podeljenog grada na njihove svakodnevne probleme, kao i na one globalne. Tako su grafiti prvi put iskorišćeni u propagandne svrhe čiji je cilj bio ponovno ujedinjenje Nemačkog naroda, što se nekih desetak godina kasnije i dogodilo kada je srušen Berlinski zid.
Predah u Indijskom restoranu, a onda oduševljenje što radnja u blizini radi, iako je nedelja. Potpuno autentičan butik sa ručno rađenim torbama i nakitom, uz retro notu koju su mu dale gramofon i stari fotoaparati me je zaista oduševio. Berlin je definitivno raj za hipstere!:)
Although they announced a lot of rainy days in Berlin, only one was like that, but nevertheless, it was a perfect day. The Berlin wall certainly looks diferently than I have imagined it!
The Berlin Wall was the physical division between West Berlin and East Germany. However, it was also the symbolic boundary between democracy and Communism during the Cold War.
In Berlin, at the beginning of the early 80s wall painting wasn’t allowed on the territory of East Berlin, but opposite on the Western side lots of artists begun with graffiti.
So many artists were painted graffiti on the Berlin’s wall. Actually, the wall art/graffiti was not threatened, from the reason of that everybody could paint on the wall. There is an extraordinary symbolical meaning that on the Western side of the Berlin the Wall was colorfully painted although the Eastern side the wall was painted white or grey color.
After walk by the wall, we went to the Indian restaurant, and after that we saw amazing store. Completely authentic boutique with handmade bags and jewelry, along with record player and old cameras, which gave it a retro touch, I was really impressed. Berlin is definitely a hipster’s paradise 🙂
Znam da je moj kišobran jako mali, ali ja ga obožavam!:)
I know that my umbrella is very small, but I love it!:)
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East and West motives…And J.Lo posters, she’s coming to Belgrade as well, are you excited as I am??:) |
I was wearing:
blazer: Stradivarius
bag: Accessorize
jeans: New Look
blouse: Zara
necklace: F21
ring, bracelets: H&M
sneakers: Converse
blazer: Stradivarius
bag: Accessorize
jeans: New Look
blouse: Zara
necklace: F21
ring, bracelets: H&M
sneakers: Converse
And now some moments from rainy Berlin street style:
Obožavam ovi outfit, super je!
Slike su divne a tvoji autfiti savrseni nista ne bih ni dodala ni oduzela :))))
cool pics! a outfit je perfect za sightseeing! 🙂
Super je ovaj casual outfit,a fotke su prelepe! 🙂
saren i mio berlin <3 sesiric ti divno stoji!
Slike su strava! Iako je kisa padala, slike su bas vesele.
Sjajne fotografije!
Uživala sam 😉
suuuuuuuper fotke, Berlin je zaista hipsterski raj!
mi smo bili smesteni bas u blizini, na Warschauer platzu…awwwww, nedostaje mi Berlin 🙂
Berlin <3 I ti :*
Prva slika je skroz blesava <3
I meni je ovo omiljeni berlinski post:)
Predivne fotografije <3
savršene su sličice, a ti si praaaava lepotica..:))
Bas si lepa Stasa i ova kombinacija je casual ali mng dobra @ 😀
Outfit sa kisobrancetom i sesiricem mi je divan!Super slicice! 🙂
divne fotke,a i ti:)
Predivni su ti postovi iz Berlina. Mislim da se definitivno uklapas u ritam i atmosferu ovog grada. :)))
Savrsena kombinacija, svidja mi se sesiric a jeans ti je saaaavrsen! 🙂
You look a LOT less wrapped up than I was when I went to Berlin! Isn’t the wall just INCREDIBLE?
Enter my jewellery giveaway!
super kombinacija, podvrnute farmerke sa belim starkama, marama, sesiric i sako, mozda i omiljena Berlin kombinacija! 🙂
Such a great Blog! Wunderful. I follow you now, you too?:)
Divne fotke, izvrsno izgledaš! Grafiti su super!
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