Jedna od najlepših plaža koje sam ikada videla je zapravo zaliv Maya Bay, a ovo mesto je dobro poznato svima onima koji su gledali flilm “Plaža” (The Beach) sa Leonardo DiCaprio-m. Jedina mana ovog savršenog mesta je to što na stotine turista i brodova dolazi svakodnevno, i gužva je nešto što remeti ovaj raj na zemlji. Sa Puketa smo krenuli u većim, brzim brodovima do obližnjeg ostrva Phi Phi. Nakon nekih 45 minuta, brod se zaustavio nedaleko od Maya Bay-a i bilo je vreme za ronjenje u kristalno čistoj vodi. Ribice koje sam videla bile su prelepe i neverovatne, florescentnih boja i šara. Tu su bili i predivni korali. Zatim nas je brod odvezao do plaže gde je pesak sitniji od pudera, čisto savršenstvo zaista. Kupanje je uprkos gužvi bilo pravo uživanje, pogled na džunglu ili okolne stene je nezaboravan, specifični “long tail” brodići ukrašeni šarenim trakama daju poseban šarm ovom mestu, a more ima specifičnu zelenu boju kakvu nikada ranije nisam videla.
One of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen is situated on the island Phi Phi Ley– Maya Bay. This place is well known to all those who have watched The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio, this is where this movie was filmed. The only flaw at this perfect place is that hundreds of tourists and ships come daily, and the crowd is something that disturbs this paradise on earth.
Phi Phi Islands are located just 45 minutes by speedboat from Phuket.
First the boat stopped near Maya Bay and it was time to dive into the crystal clear water.
Snorkeling and diving are excellent throughout the bay, large underwater boulders are encrusted with coral and brightly coloured fish are numerous. Visibility is excellent.
Maya Bay is a stunningly beautiful bay that’s sheltered by 100-metre high cliffs on three sides. Inside the bay there are several beaches, most are small and some only exist at low tide. The main one is around 200 metres long with silky soft white sand, underwater colourful coral and exotic fish in exceptionally clear water; the whole bay is one big reef. Despite the crowd, swimming here was a treat, a view was unforgettable, impressive limestone cliffs and sunlit crystal clear water was really the most beautiful scenery.
My beachwear:
sunnies: Chloé 2200 Belladone
hat, bracelets: H&M
bikini top part: Victoria’s Secret
the bottom part of a bikini: Ay Yildiz swimwear collection
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Sightseeing at Viking Cave and observe the swifts’ nests used in making the world-famous bird’s nest soup. |
Nakon Maya Bay-a gde ne postoje hoteli a i kampovanje je zabranjeno, obišli smo i Ko Phi Phi Don, najveće ostrvo u grupi, ali i najnaseljenije.
Ko Phi Phi Don (“ko” (Thai: เกาะ) meaning “island” in the Thai language) is the largest island of the group, and is the most populated island of the group.
Of the two islands, one is completely free of human inhabitants (Phi Phi Leh), and the other is without roads (Phi Phi Don). There’s no schedule, no hustle-and-bustle, no reason to be in a hurry.
Of the two islands, one is completely free of human inhabitants (Phi Phi Leh), and the other is without roads (Phi Phi Don). There’s no schedule, no hustle-and-bustle, no reason to be in a hurry.
Laem Tong Beach is a magical place in northern Phi Phi that is ideal for a relaxing and quiet holiday.
Raj na zemlji, definitivno 🙂 Divna si :*
Maya beach – najdivnija na svetu! 🙂
Prelepo.. Da li mozes da napises nesto vise o samoj organizaciji puta? Preko koje ste agencije uplatili?
uh…fantazija..jos samo da nije tolika guzva 🙂
Sto se organizacije puta tice, nismo isli preko agencije, sami smo se organizovali. Uglavnom smo po preporuci birali plaze, a hotele birali na osnovu utisaka ljudi na Trip advisor-u (Reviews on Hotele smo uplacivali preko i, a sto se tice tura, uplacivali smo ih preko tajlandskih agencija, dan dva pre samog izleta. Takodje smo cesto iznajmljivali longtail brodice za odlazak na neku specificnu plazu ili ostrvo.
wow divno!!
savrsenstvo!! divna ti je ova haljinica
Awwww zavidim, izgleda prelepo 🙂
woow, predivno! haljinica je odlicna:)
Savrseno mesto! Prelepo :DD Vidi se da si uzivala!
Haljinica ti je mnogo slatka!
mnogo ti je lepa ta haljinica, ti bas uzivas, ta plaza je prelepa 🙂
Divne fotografije<3
Prelepo! I ti si prezgodna, i lepa kombinacija za plazu 🙂
krasna haljina 🙂
koliko vas je sveukupno izaslo putovanje? 🙂
love your crochet dress <3
Hmm, good job! This is really something!