Konačno sam na odmoru. U Crnoj Gori još uvek nije toliko toplo za kupanje u moru, tako da sam prva tri dana sam bukvalno samo spavala jer sam bila hronično umorna. Pre novih outfit postova odlučila sam se za jedan “throw back” momenat i meni jako posebne fotografije. Ovo je (poslednji) post iz Tajlandakoji sam želela nešto kasnije nego ostale da objavim. Prošlo je skoro 4 meseca od kako sam bila tamo, pa sam i sebe želela da podsetim na lepe momente. Taj neprocenjivi pogled iz sobe ka cveću i moru, fenomenalni put do zen bazena praćen bujnom vegetacijom ali i leptirićima koje sam sa velikim oduševljenjem uspela da uslikam. Moja omiljena plaža ikada i smaragdno čisto more. Azija je ostavila veliki utisak na mene, bilo je to jedno od najlepših putovanja, i ne mogu da dočekam da je ponovo posetim. A do tada mi ostaje da uživam u fotografijama… 🙂
Finally I’m on vacation. In Montenegro it’s still not so hot for swimming in the sea, so the first three days I was literally just sleping because I was so tired. Before the new outfit posts I decided to a “throw back” post with very special photos. This is the (last) post from Thailand that I was saving for now. It’s been nearly 4 months since I’ve been there, so I wanted to remind myself of the beautiful moments. The priceless sea view from the room, lovely flowers superb road to zen pool accompanied by lush vegetation and butterflies that I very enthusiastically managed to catch in photos. My favorite beach ever and emerald blue sea. Asia has left a great impression on me, it was one of the most beautiful trips ever, and I can’t wait to visit it again. Until then, I’m left to enjoy the photos … 🙂
Super haljina i fotke!
Diiiva siii. :*
Divan letnji post! 🙂
Mislim da je ovo i najlepši post sa Tajlanda. Uživala sam. 🙂
Super slicice :))
Wow~~Beautiful post~~~I like it
Prelepa je haljinica <3
Plaza, more, cvece…Jedva cekam odmor 😀
Divno, slike, ti, sve! Javi se kada se vratis zazelela sam te se :-)))
Divne fotke 🙂
Hello from Spain: I really like the dress. The hairstyle is very elegant. Nice pics in the beach. Keep in touch
Prelepo! 🙂
Predivan post 🙂 Izgledaš savršeno :)))
The scenery is beautiful, it’s a good place to relaxe, thanks for your to share these photoes!
Uzivaj u Crnoj Gori, ja dolazim za 3 dana :* Mozes li mi reci gde se tacno nalazis? 🙂
cico prezgodna si, prosto savrsena
slatka haljinica i prekrasne fotke 🙂