Hram Smaragdnog Bude ili Wat Phra Kaew u Bangkoku je jedno od najlepših mesta koje sam ikada videla, pravo arhitektonsko čudo. Kompleks hrama graniči se sa bivšom kraljevskom rezidencijom tj. Velikom palatom. Vrt je prelep i sve je perfektno uređeno i organizovano.
Tamo sam imala prilike videti zlatne stubove ukrašene mozajcima i mermerom. Krovovi su u tai stilu, zelene boje a tu su i i budistički spomenici.
Smaragdni Buda glavna je atrakcija ovog hrama. Smaragdni Buda zapravo je malecni kip Bude, ne veći od 75 cm, koji se nalazi na povišenom oltaru i jedva da se vidi od mnoštva kićastih ukrasa. Malena figura Smaragdnog Bude uvek je obučena u kraljevsko odelo, koje se menja u zavisnosti od sezone.
Tamo sam imala prilike videti zlatne stubove ukrašene mozajcima i mermerom. Krovovi su u tai stilu, zelene boje a tu su i i budistički spomenici.
Smaragdni Buda glavna je atrakcija ovog hrama. Smaragdni Buda zapravo je malecni kip Bude, ne veći od 75 cm, koji se nalazi na povišenom oltaru i jedva da se vidi od mnoštva kićastih ukrasa. Malena figura Smaragdnog Bude uvek je obučena u kraljevsko odelo, koje se menja u zavisnosti od sezone.
Grand Palace & Temple of the Emerald Buddha or Wat Phra Kaeo
This is the most famous place that is a must for all tourists. It is a large compound located in the very heart of Bangkok.
The Grand Palace consists of several buildings with different styles of architecture. Wat Phra Kaeo is renowned as the most beautiful and important Buddhist temple in Thailand. It houses Phra Kaeo Morakot (the Emerald Buddha), the most highly revered Buddha image carved from a single block of fine jade.
Scattered in the temple grounds are numerous interesting sculptures of artistic value, including the fanciful animals in mythology, the fierce-looking giants standing guard at the gates, the six pairs of Cambodian-style bronze lions and the stone figures from China.
On the inside walls of the temple’s compound, there are extensive mural paintings depicting scenes from the famous epic “Ramayana“. It is the longest wall painting in the world as well as one of the Unseen Bangkoks. A distinctive characteristic of this temple is that there are no monks living in it like other temples.
For the temples, strict dress code. You must cover your legs and shoulders.
I was wearing:
skirt: Zara
shirt: LSM
shirt: Chicnova
I was wearing:
skirt: Zara
shirt: LSM
shirt: Chicnova
HRAM WAT PO – nalazi se odmah iza Grand palate, u ulici Chetupon. Hram je stariji od samog Bankoka, tako da je on najstariji hram u gradu. Podignut je u 17. veku. Hram je najpoznatiji po pozlaćenoj statui Bude u ležećem položaju (dugačka je 150m, a visoka 50), koju je podigao kralj Rama III 1832.god. Hram je poznat kao centar učenja tajlandske masaže i tradicionalne tajlandske medicine.
Wat Pho , or Wat Phra Chetuphon, one of the oldest and largest temples in Bangkok features the famous Reclining Buddha, which is the largest in Thailand measuring more than 150 feet in length.
The feet and the eyes are engraved with mother-of-pearl decoration, and the feet also show the 108 auspicious characteristics of the true Buddha.
The large grounds of Wat Pho contain more than 1000 Buddha images in total, most from the ruins of the former capitals Ayuthaya and Sukhothai.
Massage – Wat Pho is also famous as Thailand’s first university, and is center for traditional Thai masage – the rich, famous and powerful have all been known to come here.
The feet and the eyes are engraved with mother-of-pearl decoration, and the feet also show the 108 auspicious characteristics of the true Buddha.
The large grounds of Wat Pho contain more than 1000 Buddha images in total, most from the ruins of the former capitals Ayuthaya and Sukhothai.
Massage – Wat Pho is also famous as Thailand’s first university, and is center for traditional Thai masage – the rich, famous and powerful have all been known to come here.
Prelepo, mocno izgleda!
Predivno:)Ja sam uživala samo gledajući,mogu da zamislim koliko čarobno sve izgleda uživo;)
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