Ne znam da li je u pitanju “Christmas spirit” ali ove zime najviše sam nosila bordo boju, ona se nekako najčešće provlačila kroz moje outfite. Ove zabavne i poprilično upečatljive cipele kupila sam u Londonu i jedva sam čekala da ih konačno obujem. U ovom outfitu spojila sam dosta različitih materijala, čipku, kožu i til i zato sam se zadržala na crnoj boji, sa detaljima bordo boje. I moram priznati, jedan od najlepših delova Beograda u pozadini sa pogledom na Gardoš, zaista divan prizor, zar ne?
I don’t know if it’s a “Christmas spirit” , but this winter I mostly wore burgundy color, it waa the most common color in my outfits. I bought in London these fun and pretty impressive tartan shoes and I couldn’t wait to finally weaar them. This outfit has a a lot of different materials combined together, lace, leather and tulle, and that’s why I picked simple the black color with burgundy details. I have to admit, one of the most beautiful parts of the Belgrade is this one, Zemun, by the river with a view of the Gardos, a truly wonderful sight, isn’t it?
I was wearing:
shoes: Primark
leather jacket: Versace
clutch, lace blouse, necklace: Primark
tulle skirt: From Bangkok
Jako lijep outfit! Suknja i cipele su savrseni!
Bas su zanimljvie stiklice! 🙂
совршена комбинација 🙂 Ципеле су заиста ПРЕДИВНЕ 🙂
Slatke cipelice:)
совршена комбинација ! Навистина ми се допаѓа!