Tartan je jedan od trendova ove sezone koji nikako nisam mogla da zaobiđem, posebno zato što ga oduvek volim, kao i kožu, i zato me je posebno osvojio ovaj neodoljiv miks materijala na jaknici, kao i njen sam model. Boje na kaputiću – jaknici, definisale su i boje za moj outfit, a to je kombinacija 3 boje koje, čini mi se, do sada nikada nisam kombinovala: crna, crvena i siva. Uvek volim da probam nešto novo u oblačenju, i ovaj rezultat mi se dopao. Crvena boja uvek budi dobro raspoloženje, zato su mi ovi crveni cvikeri posebno dragi. Rešila sam i da isprobam mikro trend – kombinovanje srebrnog i zlatnog nakita. A kako imam puno ogrlica sa malim privescima, rešila sam da ih iskombinujem.
Tartan is one of the hotest trends in this season that I couldn’t t get passed, especially because I’ve always liked it, as well as leather, so I was particularly thrilled with this irresistible mix of materials on the jacket, as well as model itself. The colors of the coat – jacket, defined the colors for my outfit, which is a combination of three colors, that I haven’t combined before: black, red and gray. I always like to try something new in the clothing, and I liked the outcome. The red color always brightens my mood, that’s why I especially love these sunnies. I decided to try and micro trend – a combination of silver and gold jewelry. And since I have a lot of necklaces with small pendants, I decided to combine it.
I was wearing:
coat/jacket: Primark
sunglasses: Chloé
dress: Ax Paris
boots: F21
bag: Dior
Super kaput i torba!
what a wonderful look.love your sunnies and your boots so much.
Maren Anita
guess, moschino and benefit GIVEAWAY:
Odlicna kombinacija, a ti prosto zracis!
Samo, zasto tartan? Zar nije bolje reci karirano?
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