Dugo sam bila u potrazi za savršenim teksas prslukom, i nedavno sam ga pronašla. Ja lično teksas prsluke najviše volim da kombinujem uz duge suknje. A za hladnije mesece koji stižu, nosim ih ispod (kožne) jakne. Jako ih volim jer i u letnjim mesecima omugućavaju slojevitost outfita, što daje zanimljiviji izgled cele odevne kombinacije. Ovo je moja verzija opuštenog outfita, i naravno, ništa bez starki. 🙂
I have been searching for the perfect denim vest for a long time, and I’ve finally recently found it. I personally prefer to combine denim vests with maxi skirts. And during fall and winter, I wear them under the (leather) jacket. I love that thist piece of clothing enables layers in outfit, specially during worm sunny days, which gives more interesting look to the outfit. This is my version of casual, cozy outfit, of course, nothing without favorite Converse All Stars sneakers. 🙂
I was wearing:
skirt: Pull&Bear
tee, necklace, vest: H&M
sneakers: Converse All Stars
bag: H&M
bracelet: Glam Doll by Aleka
super ceo outfit
najbolje doo sada
Divina suknja i nakit!
So pretty!!! Boja je divna!
super outfit
Divan outfit! I sama sam u potrazi za savršenim traper prslukom, još uvijek bezuspješno! Ali to si baš nekako jako želim…
Odlicna opustena kombinacija:)
Jednom i ti da ubodes…Hvala Bogu nije vise turbo folk style..