Dragi moji, ovo će biti poslednji post u 2013 godini, odlučila sam se za upečatljivu haljinu od perlica i šljokica uz zanimljiv blejzer sa kožnim rukavima. Uz ovaj novogodišnji outfit post želim pre svega da vam svima poželim više zdravlja i više vremena za vas i vaše najbliže, puno sreće i ljubavi jer to je najbitnije, sve ostalo dolazi u drugi plan. Želim vam svima puno uspeha i smeha, i nadam se da ćemo se i u novoj 2014. družiti lepo kao i do sada. Uživajte večeras i cele naredne godine, neka vam bude posebna, upečatljiva i nezaboravna!!!
Dear all, this outfit will be last one in 2013, and I chose statement dress with pearls and glitter, and also one interesting blazer with leather sleeves.I wish to all of you more health and more time for yourself and your loved ones, lots of happiness and love, because that’s what’s important! I wish you all good luck and lots and lots of laugh, and I hope that we will hang out as before also in the new in 2014, nicely as before. Enjoy the evening and throughout the next year,I hope it will be special, memorable and unforgettable!
Haljina N Fashion: 34,000 din.
Sako Benetton: 6,590 din.
Prsten Lindex: 890 din.
Cipele N Fashion: 16,550 din.
Fotograf: Dragan Asanov
Stilista: Tijana Žunić
collaboration with: Wannabe Magazine
Zenstvena i divna!
really cute outfit ! <3