Nedavno sam kupila ove crne postavljene kožne čizmice i pored toga što su tople i udobne, volim da ih kombinujem uz sve i uvek nastane neka zanimljiva kombinacija. Uz opuštenu košulju koja ima print sličan bandana maramama, obukla sam crnu suknju do kolena uz upečatljivu ogrlicu i naočare za sunce. Jako mi je interesantan (i udoban) spoj ovakve suknje i čizmica.
I adore my new Zara boots. Besides being warm and comfortable, I can combine them with everything and make interesting outfit combinations. With a loose shirt that has a similar print like bandana , I was wearing a black knee length skirt, with a striking necklace and sunglasses. This kind of outfit is very interesting (and comfortable).
photos by Zorana
I was wearing:
botts: Zara
skirt: made by me
sunnies: WC shades
shirt: Stradivarius
bag: Dior
Cizme su fenomenalne!