Jedan od materijala koji najviše volim da nosim je koža, prava ili veštačka, a rame uz rame sa njom je teksas, zato sam oduševljena ovom Pinko jaknom koja je napravljena od kože i teksasa, jako originalno i drugačije. Do nedavno sam mislila da su bele starke nezamenjive, ali ove srebrne su me totalno “kupile”, i kao i bele, daju puno mogućnosti za kombinovanje. Kada nisam na poslu, u slobodno vreme volim da nosim helanke od kože, a u Londonu sam uzela ove u mat varijanti. Njih je najbolje uklapati uz duže majice – tunike, kao što je ova Wild Fox sa zanimljivom slikom i natpisom “Let Me Eat Cake”. Stella McCartney ima prelep dizajn torbi, ali su po meni te torbe malo precenjene sa obzirom da nisu od prave kože, a ova torba sličnog dizajna, koja se pojavila pre njenih, mi je jednostavno savršena.
Ne zaboravite da učestvujete u mom giveaway-u.
Here is one more outfit from London, I like this one especially because it is comfortable and multifunctional, excellent for walk around town and running errands, or lunch or a coffe with your friend.One of the materials that I love to wear is leather, real or faux, but also, I adore denim, so I’m delighted with this Pinko jacket that is made of leather and denim, very original and different. Until recently I thought that the white Converse All Star sneakers were irreplaceable but when I discovered the silver ones, I was totally “charmed” by them, and like white, they give plenty of opportunities for combining when it comes to your outfit. When not at work, I like to wear leather leggings, I bought this matt ones in London. I think it’s best to wear them with with long shirts – tunics, like this Wild Fox tee with an interesting picture and the words “Let Me Eat Cake”. Stella McCartney bags have a beautiful design, but for me these bags are little overrated because they are not made of genuine leather. This bag has a similar design, when it comes to chains, and this model appeared before her bags, I think it’s simply perfect.
Feel fre to join my giveaway. 🙂
Silver sneakers: Converse All Star
leggings: Primark
leather – denim jacket: Pinko
“Let Me Eat Cake” t-shirt: WildFox Couture (see it on Beyonce here)
bag: Christian Louboutin
Wind in my hair made my hair look darker, my ombre looks more intense in the wind. 🙂
Natali says
Odlican casual outfit!
jelena says
gde si uzela starke?
big M says
torba ODLICNA!
Cipelica says
Odlicne patike!
Renata says
Obožavam ovakve outfite! 🙂
Prink says
OMG Anastasija, you’re so amazing and hoooooot girl, I love to see you in sockless converse, I’m about to explooooooodeee!!! keep it going with your wonderful posts, love it!! kisses honey!
Anastasija says
Anastasija koji photoshop koristis za menjanje formata slika? Pozdrav, super si.
Anastasija says
Hvala! Koristim CS5 Adobe Photoshop i slike smanjim preko Image Size-a, ili preko programa ACD See idem na Resize.
Svetlana Zmukic says
Predivne su patikice…a i helanke zelim <3 🙂
Ivana says
Starke nikada ne izlaze iz mode
Marina Marry says
Ma baš te briga kada tebi sve dobro stoji 🙂
Odlična torba 🙂
Anonymous says
J’adore ta tenue avec les converses sans chaussettes