Ako se ikada nađete u prelepoj Toskani (koja je po meni nešto najlepše što Italija ima da ponudi), vinarije su mesto koje obavezno treba posetiti, čak i za one koji ne vole vina (ako takvih ima hehe). Savršen pogled, čist vazduh, prelepi mirisi grožđa, ukusan ručak i naravno degustacija najboljih vina Salcheto vinarije, a uz to naučite dosta pametnih stvari o vinima (detalje možete videti i u mom videu). A posle obilaska ove vinarije, u hotelu La Bandita, uz Salcheto Rosso vino dogodilo mi se nešto najlepše, nešto što ću pamtiti čitavog života…
If you ever find yourself in beautiful Tuscany (which I think is the most beautiful place Italy has to offer), wineries are mandatory place to visit, even for those who do not like wine (these wines will make anyone a wine fan).
Montalcino and Montepulciano are two engaging hill towns in southern Tuscany (i.e., Tuscany south of Siena) with distinguished pasts and embellished with historic architecture and Renaissance art. Both Montalcino and Montepulciano are also well known for their wines and both cities and their environs are filled with cantine,enoteche (wine bars) and world-famous vineyards. Montepulciano’s most well-known wine is Vino Nobile di Montepulciano while Brunello is Montalcino’s, and arguably Italy’s, most distinguished wine.
We decided to visit Salcheto Winery .
This place offers spectacular views, clean air, beautiful aromas of grapes, delicious lunch and of course tasting the best Salcheto wines , and here you also learn a lot of smart things about wine (you can see the details in my video). And after visiting this winery, something beautiful happened to me in La Bandita hotel, with Salcheto Rosso wine …
Salco means the willow tree in the ancient Tuscan language, an important plant for wine territories throughout history as its branches were used to bind and the vines. Salcheto is the name of the stream , which springs at the foot of the town of Montepulciano and winds through a valley where willows abounded. This stream is the boundary of our organic and biodynamic estate, rooted in the historic district of Vino Nobile, in the southeast of the Siena province of Tuscany. The willow tree, a species that we continue to replant at the winery, also contributes to the winery’s energy independence, is today prominently represented in our logo as part of our commitment to environmental sustainability.
First there was wine…
And after came biggest surprise of my life…
Bas mi je bilo drago kad sam videla da si se verila. 😀 Cestitaaaam! I zelim ti mnogo srece! :*
P.S. Prsten je prelep. :))))
Čestitam 😀 <3
divna,prijatna,cvrsto stoji na zemlji,uvijek nasmijana i najbitnije svoja
cestitke na vjeridbi
Predivna Toskana 😉 Cestitam na vjeridbi!