Već dugo sam u potrazi za udobnim espadrilama i majicom sa Rolling Stones logo-om, i bila sam oduševljena kada sam sve to našla u jednoj radnji, u Italiji. To sam uparila sa novom crvenom torbom i šorcom od bež teksasa, leti najviše volim ovakve opuštene kombinacije. Uživajte u vikendu.
I love espadrilles and I was thrilled when I found these lace ones in Italy. Also, I was searching for a tee with Rolling Stones lips and tongue logo, and I found it all in one store. I paired it with denim shorts and my new red bag that I adore. This is perfect casual friday outfit, If you ask me. Have a nice weekend!!
I was wearing:
bag: Love Moschino
bracelet: Swarovski
shorts: Stradivarius
lace espadrilles, tee :eighteen
photos by my doll Jovana
Fantasticna torba i espadrille! Bas je odlicna ova casual kombinacija!
Totalno su mi slatke espadrilice 🙂 Super outfit 🙂
Shopping on SALE post + my BIRTHDAY PRESENTS <3
#blog #blogger #clothes #sale