Ovoga puta Audrey umesto Marilyn. Šalu na stranu, zapravo, ovo je post posvećen mojoj sestri, koja za razliku od mene, koja ima(m) slike od Marilyn Monroe po stanu, veću inspiraciju nalazi u Audrey Hepburn. Davno je prošlo vreme moje mature, ali još uvek ne verujem da je vreme za maturu moje mlađe sestre došlo! Ona je ovaj događaj shvatila potpuno normalno, mislim da sam ja bila uzbuđenija od nje!:) Imali smo i drugu kombinaciju, ali manjak vremena, pa ćemo je ostaviti (i slikati) za neki drugi put…
This time, instead of Marilyn, Audrey. Joking aside, actually, this post is dedicated to my sister, who, unlike me, who has pictures of Marilyn Monroe at home, finds more inspiration from Audrey Hepburn. My graduation was long time ago, but still, I can’t believe it is time for my sister‘s prom night! I think I was more excited than her tonight🙂 She had one more outfit that she wanted to wear for prom, but, due to lack of time, we will take photos of coral dress some other time.
throwing on my Louboutins |
No more time for photos, gotta go! |
Cobeliks says
sjajne su cipele, a ona je predivna kao i ti!
ICA says
Preslatka je! Cipele su savrsene!!! 🙂
anchy says
diivna je! licite =)
cipele savrsenstvo! ljub
Just Cake Girl says
divna seka :))
high heels ☆ high expectations says
Tvoja sestra je prelepa!
Miss K says
Love the shoes!!!
AngeliqueDama says
Uh, cipele su savrsene!
I haljina je slatka:)
Jovana says
Super je look. 🙂
VertigoKris says
Haljina joj bas lepo pristaje! Jedino mislim da bi joj malo drucacija frizura lepse stajala… Obe ste divne <3
S.Art by S.M. says
Lijepa seka! 🙂 A cipele su wow!
TanyaS says
TanyaS says
daniela says
Prelepa ti je sestra! Cipele su divne!!
dictionary_of_fashion says
Joj preslatka je!! :))
I svidja mi se kombinacija. Ove cipelice koje je obula su mi mnogo lepse nego ove druge… :))
Hi, it's me, Jelena! says
Bas je slatka,licite 🙂 Super je kombinacija!
Magdalena says
Prelepa je sestra! 🙂 Super je haljina i sandalice 🙂
teenfashioncorner.blogspot.com ♥
Maya says
Super su cipelice! 🙂
SweetMelody says
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Cool Vanity says
Amazing shoes and dress, you look beautiful. Kisses.
Psycho Cat says
Mnoooogo dobre cipele 🙂
Marina fRashion says
lutkica 🙂
Marija - This is a fashion blog! says
Bas je lepa :))
I sandalice – divne!
Venoma says
Seka će ti biti divna na maturi, da ne pominjem šta sve deca danas nose xD
P.S. darling kod mene je još sutra u toku giveaway, poklanjamu suknjicu, učestvuj ako ti se dopada 🙂 http://venomafashionfreak.blogspot.com/2012/05/new-collection-all-about-mononoke-by.html
Tara says
Fantasticna haljinica 🙂
Antigona's Orchid says
Prelepa ti je sestra i moja sestra ima maturu ove godine, bas smo juce kupile haljinu 😀
bonjour.....JR says
divna:))kao i ti
Vanja Milicevic says
i moja sestra ima maturu, ali malu 🙂 divne je cipe izabrala 🙂 za sta sluze sestre 😉
Antonia-Ivana says
Imas prelijepu seku! <3 :-)