Nakon celog prvog dana na nogama, drugi dan u Havani proveli smo opuštenije. Na savet Kubanca, otišli smo 20-ak minuta kolima od centra grada i našli se na prelepoj plaži, inače radi se o plažama Playas de Este, koje se nalaze istočno od same Havane, i koje se mogu meriti sa plažama Varadera. Svakom ko ide na Kubu savetovala bih da obavezno poseti Havanu jer ona je srce i srž Kube, dok je Varadero samo turističko mesto prepuno prelepih hotela – rezortova i još lepših plaža, ali se sem nesvakidašnje lepog mora ne izdvaja puno od drugih letovališta, dok je Havana grad koji nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. A na plaži mek, puderast pesak, tirkizno more, i to neverovatno nebo. Nebo na Kubi je puno oblaka i u divnim bojama, to je zaista zemlja kontrasta u svakom pogledu! Jastog i kokosovo mleko za ručak…. Bio je to jedan savršen, savršen dan!
After walking the entire first day, the second day in Havana was much more relaxed. On the advice of our friend from Cuba, we went about 20 minutes from the city center by car and found ourselves at a beautiful beach, that is one of the Playas de Este beaches, located at east of Havana. The beach is as pretty as the beaches of Varadero. To anyone who goes to Cuba I would advise to be sure to visit Havana since she is the heart and core of Cuba, while Varadero is much more touristic, full of beautiful resorts and more beautiful beaches, but besides unusually beautiful sea, it is very similar to other famous resorts, and the city of Havana leaves no one indifferent.
And the beach here is so beautiful, white, soft, powdery sand, turquoise waters, and amazing sky. Sky in Cuba is full of clouds and beautiful colors, it is truly a land of contrasts in every way! Lobster and coconut milk for lunch…. It was a perfect, perfect day!
My beach outfit:
tee: from Bangkok
shorts: Stradivarius
bikini: NY
sunnies: Parfois
diiivno 🙂
Divno! Pratim te na instagramu i vidim da si uzivala, a kako i ne bi 🙂 Zanima me gde si kupila srebrne starke iz ovog posta <33
Hvala!! Patike sam kupila u Londonu, u Selfridges-u. 🙂