Ovo je i poslednji post iz predivne Švajcarske. Kako sam putovala u petak, odmah posle posla, moje pakovanje je bilo na brzinu, ali trudila sam se da ponesem udobne stvari u kojima ću uživati. Tregerice sa šorcem jako volim i bile su odlične za šetnju po toplom danu i razgledanje botaničke bašte u Lozani….
Montreux Riviera – Pure Inspiration
Montreux is located on Lake Geneva at the foot of the Alps. The long, flower-bordered lake promenade which links Vevey and Montreux going all the way to Chillon Castle is simply asking to be strolled along. Prelepi Montro je grad na jezeru Ženeva u podnožju Alpa. Šetalište pored jezera je dugo i prelepo, sa očaravajućim…
Hello Geneva
Let’s have a walk through Geneva. The city’s greatest landmark is Jet d’Eau, 140 metre high fountain at Geneva’s lakeside. You can sit on a bench and enjoy this idyllic setting. Close to the Jardin Anglais you will find the Flower Clock , the symbol of Geneva’s watch industry. Switzerland’s biggest historical city is overlooked by St. Peter’s Cathedral,…
Travel / Exploring Gruyères, Switzerland
GRUYÈRES A picture-perfect town has given its name to the area and to its delicious cheese. This little town has been unaffected by the passage of time, built in a superb setting, at the foot of the Pre-Alps. Here you can see three totally different museums, cheese factory, castle and breathtaking views. So charming place! The…
Hello Switzerland / Lausanne Outfit
Ponovo u Švajcarskoj, jednoj od meni omiljenih zemalja, a ovoga puta sam u Lozani. Luka Ouchy je divno mesto, odakle se pruža savršen pogled na jezero a i planine. Zbog hladnijeg vazduha leti, ovo mesto je još popularnije, sa mnoštvom poznatih hotela, kafića i restorana. Tu je i puno mladih na biciklama i rolerima. Na jezeru…
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