If I had one word to describe San Francisco in one word, it would have be amazing! City breathtaking city, atypical for America because it looked to me like a mix of American, European and Asian city, all in one. I am fascinated by the fact that the city is built on such a steep hills. Very cute…
❤ Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas / Dan zaljubljenih -10 idealnih poklona+ nagrađivanje
Although each new day is a reason to surprise a loved one, you should not have an excuse not when it comes to February 14, the official day of love. I remember Valentine’s Day way back when, from the primary school period, when I was receiving roses or a box of chocolates in the shape of a…
Hearst Castle
Ukoliko se kolima zaputite od Los Angelesa do San Franciska, možete odabrati brži auto-put, ali tu je i “Jedinica”. Ovaj auto-put je uz obalu mora, i iako se njime znatno sporije stiže do željene destinacije, usput možete, pored prelepih plaža, videti puno interesantnih i zanimljivih stvari. Jedna od njih je i Hearst Castle, smešten na vrhu…
Santa Monica Pier
Na obali Tihog okeana, u zapadnom delu Los Anđelesa nalazi se grad Santa Monika. Ja sam imala to zadovoljstvo da obiđem Santa Monica Pier, najstarije pristanište zapadne obale Amerike, staro sto godina. To je znamenitost gde pored velikog broja meštana i turista možete naići i na ulične izvođače, restorane a i zabavni park. Pacific Park –…
California Trip: Instagram Photo Diary
U ovom postu predstavljam vam hronoloski moj put u Ameriku, i najdragocenije memente koje sam provela tamo. In this post I will chronologicaly present to you my trip to America, and the most precious moments that I spent there. Moja američka avantura počela je u avionu… Where It All Began (the plane)…:) A onda me je dočekao i…
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