Prvenstveno, srećan Božić svima! Uživajte u toplini svoga doma sa porodicom i voljenim ljudima! Evo jednog Božićnog outfita, kombinacija modernog u vidu ove kožne suknje i čizmica preko kolena sa opuštenim oversize džemperom crvene boje. Nedavno sam na poklon dobila ovu zanimljivu traku za kosu, pravu prazničnu, pa sam odlučila da je baš danas stavim.
Today many, many people here in Serbia celebrate Ortodox Christmas, Merry Christmas to all of you! Enjoy the day with your family and friendse! Here’s a Christmas outfit, combination in the form of a modern leather skirt and over the knee boots with the cozy red oversize sweater. Recently I received a gift – this interesting headband, just right for holiday season, I love it!
I was wearing:
skirt: NASTY GAL
headband: Dauphines of New York
bag: Mona
sweater: vintage
boots: from Rome
Boho chic 🙂
Super dzemper 🙂
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