Iako se najbolje osećam u štiklama, za svakodnevne obaveze patike su najudobniji izbor, i pored starki, obožavam moje roze Nike-ice. 🙂 Volim da ih uklopim uz blejzer, za sada ću preskočiti trend suknje i nošenja ovakvih patika pa sam se odlučila za iscepane farmerke. Inače, moram priznati, kada moram brzo da izađem iz stana i žurim, ova kombinacija mi bude čest izbor. Moja najdraža majica sa likom Marilyn Monroe se odlično uklapa uz boje na blejzeru.
Although i feel the best in heels, for everyday tasks, sneakers are the most comfortable choice, and I love my pink Nike ones. 🙂 I like to match them with a blazer, and for now I’ll skip the pairing them with the skirts trend, so I decided to wear ripped jeans with them. Otherwise, I have to admit, when I have to get out of the apartment quickly, this outfit is my most common choice. My favorite T-shirt with the Marilyn Monroe image is a great match with the colors on blazer.
I was wearing:
sneakers: Nike
bag: Navy Boot
jeans: Zara
bloise: London Street market
blazer: H&M
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Korean Fashion
follow me on http://themozzarella.blogspot.it/
farke su super. mozes samo reci kad si ih kupila?
inace sve pohvale za novi izgled bloga.
sve najbolje u daljem radu..
Hvala puno! Farmerke sam kupila cini mi se u aprilu, a mozda i pre.:)