Ovih dana temerature su hladnije i letnje stvari će morati još malo da sačekaju. Ali, iako je outfit slojevit, odlučila sam se za prolećne i letnje boje, oduševljena sam ovom kombinacijom nijansi! Svetlo plava tj. svetli teksas, neon roza i bež. I nedeljno popodne sa mojom sardinicom uz limunanu. Priči nikada kraja. Do sledećeg outfita!:)
These days temerature is colder and summer clothes will have to wait for a little longer. But, although the outfit is layered, I decided to spring and summer colors, I’m thrilled with this combination of shades! The baby blue – bright denim, neon pink and beige. I just love this neon pink sweater! And Sunday afternoon with my girl with our traditional tasty mint limunade . The story never ends. Until next outfit 🙂
I was wearing:
trench coat: Juicy Couture
jeans: Pull Bear
pink neon sweater: Forever 21
bag: Michael Kors
bracelet, earrings: H&M
watch: Michael Kors
photos by my lovely and talented girl Jovana
Anastasija Milojevic
Joj, zar je toliko hladno? Oljtfit je veoma sladak i divan za hladne dane.