Ovoga puta, nešto drugačiji post. Neka vrsta mog online dnevnika vezanog za moje prvo iskustvo šetnje pistom. Na Dan zaljubljenih! 🙂 Moram priznati da sam se jako plašila toga i mislila da je nešto zastrašujuće, ali onog momenta kada sam izašla na pistu sva trema je nestala i osećela sam se kao da sam to radila već 100 puta. Osećaj je bio divan, a iskustvo nezaboravno. Revija je bila u sklopu sajma venčanja, u organizaciji magazina Venčanje, a nosila sam haljinu dizajnerke Emilije Petrović. Emilija je dizajnirala unikatu i netipičnu haljinu za venčanje. Sećate li se ovog posta u kojem sam nosila njenu haljinu? Ono što mi se najviše sviđa jeste što ove upadljive haljine apsolutno nisu tipične i što su jako urbane i drugačije. Ovoga puta, moje “something blue” bile su upečatljive sandale a pored toga i narukvice u istoj nijansi. Romantična traka na kosi bila mi je svakako omiljeni detalj, ali i deo preko čipkane kraće haljine koji je svakako dao specijalni efekat celom “wedding outfitu”.
In this post, you will see something like my online diary related to my first experience of walking down the runway. Yes, it was my first time down the runaway as a model.
I must admit that at first I was very afraid of it and thought it was a little scary, but the moment I was on the runway all the jitters disappeared and I felt like I’ve done it 100 times. The feeling was great, and the experience was unforgettable. Show was part of the wedding fair, organized by the Wedding Magazine, and I wore Emilija Petrovic dress, she’s amazing Serbian designer. Emilija designed unique and atypical dress for the wedding. Do you remember this post where I wore her dress? 🙂
What I like most is that this striking dress is absolutely not typical and very urban. This time, my “something blue” were striking sandals and bracelets in the same shade. Romantic headband was definitely my favorite accessory. The part of the dress that was connected with a short lace dress by the belt gave a special effect to the “wedding outfit”.
Featured in Vencanje Magazin/ http://www.vencanjemagazin.com/sajamvencanja/jt__7655-copy/
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