27. novembra bio mi je rođendan, i konačno sam se slikala u rođendanskom outfitu koji vam u ovom postu prikazujem. Sama sebi sam sa uživanjem kupila ovu crnu suknjicu, imam i kariranu sličnog modela koji me oduševljava, a svoju omiljenu plavu kariranu košulju uparila sam sa upečatljivom ogrlicom. Ovih dana, za svaku svečaniju priliku ili izlazak biram ove crne čizmice visine do butina.
Tako da, moj savet je da za rodjendan obučete nešto što se prvenstveno vama mnogo dopada, u čemu se osećate lepo i udobno. Častite sebe, kupite nešto novo i trendi što vam se jako dopada, a što ćete moći da nosite i kada trend prođe.
Na rođendanu sam imala ravnu kosu, a ovde loknice, šta vam se više sviđa?
My Birthday was on November 27th, and I finally managed to make the birthday outfit photos. I bought this black flouncy skirt, I have similar plaid model that I realy like, and my favorite blue plaid shirt I paired up with a striking necklace. These days, for any formal occasions or going out I choose these black thigh high boots.
So my advice about the birthday outfit is to wear something that you feel good and comfortable and that you love what you are wearing. Treat yourself, buy something new and trendy that you really like and that you’ll be able to wear and when the trend passes (like plaid shirt and black skirt).
At the birthday party I had straight hair, and curls here for the post, what do you prefer?
i was wearing:
skirt, plaid shirt, necklace: Zara
The yummy macarons:
And here’s me with the cake and candels, at my party 🙂
One of my guestswas my dear friend Zorana, and as she’s also blogger like me, she’s in the post 🙂
Fenomenalno izgledas, od glave do pete…!
Prelepo izgledas! 🙂
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