Moram priznati da ovo do sada još nisam probala, ali u modi naročito za sve postoji prvi put, pa i za spajanje sandali i slojeva u gornjem delu outfita. Tog dana kada sam se slikala vetar se razduvao i prosto sam morala da se ušuškam sa kaputićem i šalom, ali mi se krajnji ishod jako dopao! Pastelne boje uvek izgledaju divno zajedno, pa kao i u predhodnom postu, moja su preporuka za proleće.
I must admit that this is the first time for me to wear this mix n match kind of outfit, with sandals and layers in the upper part of the outfit. But especially in fashion there is first time for everything, right! That day when I was taking my outfit photos, the wind was strong so I just had to tuck with this coat and scarf, but I really liked the final outcome! Pastel colors always look great together, and as in the previous post, they are my recommendation for the spring.
I was wearing:
sunnies: Dior
bag, sandals, jeans: Zara
coat: Rose
scarf, sweater: F21
And here is my latest video:
Prelepa je ta pink boja 🙂
You look fab!!!