Najveći grad Turske i sigurno jedan od najlepših i najspecifičnijih gradova na svetu. Istanbul… Miris orijenta, mostovi, turističke atrakcije, Bosfor i neverovatan duh grada. Svake godine privlači sve više turista da ga obiđu. Ja sam odluku da ga posetim donela sasvim spontano, i iako je tri dana malo za ovaj milionski grad, pogotovu ako se obilaze i modne revije, i više sam nego sretna što sam ga posetila. Naš hotel, Mercure Istanbul Taksim je u samom centru grada, na evropskoj strani, nedaleko od Trga Taksim (Taksim Meydanı). Trg Taksim je srce modernog Istanbula, najveća shopping, turistička i zabavna četvrt poznata po svojim restoranima, radnjama i hotelima. Trg funkcioniše i kao transportni čvor sa koga polaze autobusi, dolmuši, a na samom trgu se nalazi i linija metroa. Pešaka od hotela, preko Taksima mogle smo doći i do Nişantaşı četvrti gde se nalazi veliki broj luksuznih radnji. Slike ovog outfita, koji sam nosila za brvi dan Mercedes–Benz Fashion Week-a u İstanbulu fotkala sam na vrhu napeg predivnog hotela i uživala u neverovatnom pogledu. (Narednog dana, na Fashion Weeku nosila sam nešto elegantniji i drugačiji outfit, pogledajte ga ovde).
Istanbul is the largest city of Turkey and certainly one of the most beautiful and the most specific cities of the world. The smell of the Orient, bridges, tourist attractions, the Bosphorus and the incredible spirit of the city made me made me fall in love. Every year it attracts more and more tourists. I’ve decided to visit it spontaneously, and although three days were not sufficient for sightseeing, especially when attending a large number of fashion shows, and I’m more than happy for visiting it. Our hotel, Mercure Istanbul Taksim is in the city center, on the European side, close to Taksim Square (Taksim Meydanı). Taksim Square is the heart of modern Istanbul, the largest shopping, tourist and entertainment quarter known for its restaurants, shops and hotels. We could walk from the hotel to Nişantaşı , the area that includes brand name stores, popular European-style cafés, pubs, restaurants and night clubs. Outfit photos that I wore for the day one of the Mercedes–Benz Fashion Week İstanbul were made at the hotel rooftop where I enjoyed the incredible view. The next day, I was wearing this outfit.
I was wearing:
bag: Chanel
skirt Mi Moda
sweater: F21
boots: Dolce&Gabbana
sunglasses: Giantvintage
neklace: Primark
A evo kako je izgledalo Zoranino i moje spremanje u hotelu, pre slikanja:
And here’s what the getting ready for the outfit photos looks like:
Nice skirt 🙂
Maria V.
Lep mi je outfit, samo bez cizmica…