Oduvek sam se divila dugačkim kaputima, a ovaj od kašmira bio je ljubav na prvi pogled. Rešila sam da ga uklopim uz belu haljhinicu koja nudi tako puno mogućnosti za kombinovanje, a umesto čizmica, pošto je ipak proleće, odlučila sam se za nude sandale.
I’ve always admired maxi coats, and this cashmere one was love at first sight. I paired it with white v neck dress, that is easy to style, to wear, to accessorize, to dress up or down. Go figure.
Instead of boots, since it’s spring, I opt for nude sandals.
I was wearing:
sandals: Versace
bag: Louis Vuitton
camel maxi coat: Tom Ford
dress: Amunet Maison
sunglasses: Dior
Beautiful outfit and your hairstyle!
Fenomenalno Staša. Jedan od boljih outfita. 🙂
Sjajan kaput 🙂
Hi sweetie
this maxi camel outfit is so chic. Cool outfit. Kisses
Maggie Dallospedale Fashion diary – Fashion blog
Divno izgledas 🙂
Prelepo stilizovana kombinacija i odličan izbor brendova.
Sandale su preee predobre 🙂