Konačno, moj prvi outfit post sa Maldiva je tu! Ovo mesto je toliko inspirativno i definitivno najlepša pozadina za slikanje koju sam ikada mogla da zamislim! Za prvi outfit rešila sam da nosim mint haljinu golih ramena i mint šešir koji se odlično slažu uz preplanulu kožu. Moram priznati da je The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Maldives najlepše mesto na kom sam ikada bila, apsolutno savršeno za medeni mesec. U videu (vlogu) možete saznati više detalja o svemu, a planiram da napravim i detaljni post o samom putovanju.
Finally, my first outfit post from The Maldives is here! This place is so inspiring and definitely the best backgroung for the photoshooting that I ever could have imagined! For the first outfit I decided to wear off-the-shoulder dress and mint hat that matches tanned skin perfectly. I have to admit that The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Maldives is most beautiful place I have ever been, absolutely perfect for honeymoon. In my new video (vlog) you can find more details about this place, and also, I am planing to do a detailed post about the trip.
I was wearing:
sandals: Asos
bag: Accessorize
sunnies: Miu Miu
hat: Miss Sixty
Stasha, predivna si!
Moram da te pitam za onu kremu Cellufight koju sam videla da koristis u jednom od videa. Jel ti pomogla i koliko puta na dan si je mazala?
Puno te ljubim i grlim xx