Novembar je moj omiljeni mesec u godini, ne samo jer sam u tom mesecu rodjena, već i što mi taj mesec simboliše ljubav, i što mi se jednostavno najlepše stvari dešavaju uvek novembrom. A kad se u tu jednačinu doda i lepo vreme, odlično raspoloženje je zagarantovano! Danas je zato na meniju bila jedna vesela haljina sa zanimljivim sličicama na njoj, upečatljiva ogrlica i svetla teksas jakna, i jedino što ukazuje na jesen su čizmice. Želim vam divan vikend!
November is my favorite month of the year, not just because I was born in that month, but also, this month symbolize love for me, and the most beautiful things always happen to me during November. And when you add good weather to that equation, perfect mood is guaranteed! So, on the meny for today there was a cheerful dress with an interesting print, striking necklace and light denim jacket, and the only thing that shows it is fall are boots. Have a wonderful weekend!
I was wearing:
necklace: Zara
sunglasses: Prada
jacket: MartofChina
bag: MartOfChina
boots: Etienne Aigner
dress: Bangkok haul
Opusten, djevojacki outfut! Super!
Stasa, zanima me da li znas gde mogu da nadjem cizme, ravne, slicne tim, a da su kvalitetne i da im je cena pristojna, do 120e npr? HVALA UNAPRED :*
Predivno 😀
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Beutifyul dress.