Maybe she’s famous for her home made video or a reality show about her family , but it is undeniable that she has always had interesting fashion style and that she is known for her beauty and the fact that she is well dressed. She repeatedly pointed out that even before shooting the reality show she loved fashion, that she was earning money by selling her branded clothes on e-Bay and styled many celebrities . In one of the latest episodes of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” Kim, during her pregnancy, was obsessed with the style of her youngest sister Kylie Jenner. She regularly visited her tumblr account and wanted to get her cool style back. She was afraid that she lost it during pregnancy. But soon after giving giving birth to her baby girl North West back in June, Kim was back in her skinny jeans. The 32-year-old reality star has also dyed her hair blonde and completely changed her style. Although back in August 2009 she was also blonde, now the change was more different. Kim’s hairstylist George Papanikolas has meanwhile revealed that Kim decided to cross over to the light side after being inspired by a Vogue España fashion shoot. He also told Life & Stylemagazine that she had been ‘missing’ her blonde hair. ‘She had been hinting about it for months on Instagram and Twitter about ‘missing her blond.’ Much like fashion, she likes to change things up,’ he revealed.
He explained that the process was a relatively easy one, considering how hard it can be to dye very dark hair blonde.
With the help of her boyfriend, now- fiance, Kanye West, Kim has worked hard to develop new and improved style. She has reinvented herself. Kanye is also known for good taste in fashion, and slowly Kimye, The Most Fashionable Couple, was created. This fall and winter, Kim wasn’t following trends, she was making them. Her luxe, oversized coats that she often paired with sandals became her trademark.
Možda je poznata po “kućnom” videu ili rijaliti šou-u o njenoj porodici, ali neosporno je da se o njenom stilu uvek pisalo, i da je pored lepote bila poznata i po dobrom oblačenju. Više puta je istakla da je i pre snimanja rijaliti šou-a obožavala modu, da je novac zarađivala tako što je svoju nošenu firmiranu garderobu prodavala na e-bayu i stilizovala mnoge poznate ličnosti. U poslednjim epizodama “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” Kim je u toku trudnoće bila opsednuta stilom svoje najmlađe sestre Kylie Jenner. Redovno je posećivala njen tumblr nalog i želela da vrati svoj cool stil za koji se plašila da ga je izgubila u toku trudnoće. Ali, ubrzo nakon trudnoće, Kim ne samo da je vratila svoju staru figuru već je rešila i da izgleda bolje nego ranije. Sa plavom kraćom kosom potpuno je promenila svoj stil. Iako je u avgustu 2009 već bila plavuša, sada je promena bila drugačija. Uz pomoć svog dečka, sad već verenika, Kanye West-a, Kim je naporno radila na izradi svog novog i poboljšanog stila. Kanye je takođe poznat po dobrom ukusu i oblačenju, i tako je polako ali sigurno nastao jedan od najstilizovanijih parova, Kimye. Ove jeseni i zime Kim nije pratila već je diktirala trendove. Postala je prepoznatljiva po prevelikim ali i predivnim kaputima koje je često uparivala uz sandale.
Kim Kardashian wearing 3.1 Phillip Lim Ora Closed Toe Boots in Peanut. Kim Kardashian Jimmy Kimmel Live October 9 2013.
Kim Kardashian wearing Balenciaga City Bag in Sahara Taos Vintage Knee High Fringe Boots MaxMara Manuela Coat. Kim Kardashian Roissy airport in Paris October 1 2013.
Kim Kardashian wearing Celine Fall 2013 RTW Coat Gianvito Rossi Nappa Strappy Heel in Powder Balenciaga Arena Classic City Bag in Rose Peche. Kim Kardashian Arriving in Las Vegas October 25 2013.
Kim Kardashian’s Hakkasan Restaurant Céline Fall 2013 Coat
Kim Kardashian wearing Celine Fall 2013 RTW Coat Saint Laurent Paris Pointed Suede Pump Paige Denim Hideaway Eden Destructed Shirt. Kim Kardashian Out in Paris France October 1 2013.
Check out her coat on the brand’s Fall 2013 runway.
Engaged Kim Wears Kanye-esque Fur Coat, Attends Kanye’s Concert. wearing Tom Ford Spring 2012 Sandals Lanvin Side Gather Zip skirt.Kim Kardashian wearing Alaia Embellished Suede Sandals. Kim Kardashian Out in Paris September 30 2013.
Kim Kardashian wearing Tom Ford Spring 2012 Sandals Lanvin Side Gather Zip skirt MaxMara Teddy Yellow Coat Marni Dark Purple Blouse. Kim Kardashian Leaving Kanye’s apartment in NYC November 20 2013.
MaxMara Teddy Yellow Coat as seen on Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian wearing Max Mara Carrara Coat. Kim Kardashian Leaving the Regal Union Square November 24 2013.
Kim Kardashian wearing Giuseppe Zanotti for Balmain Lace-Up Studded Booties Balenciaga City Bag in Sahara. Kim Kardashian Out in Paris September 28 2013.
Kim Kardashian wearing Tom Ford Fall 2011 Ankle Boots Tom Ford Spring 2013 skirt Isabel Marant Cliff Sheer Top CELINE Pre-Fall 2013 coat. Kim Kardashian Heading to Kanye’s Concert in New York City November 19 2013.
Kim Kardashian wearing Saint Laurent Distressed jeans with chain detail CELINE Pre-Fall 2013 coat. Kim Kardashian Heading to Kanye’s concert in New York City November 20 2013.
K im Kardashian wearing Current/Elliott Ankle Skinny jeans in Overdye Black Destroyed CELINE Pre-Fall 2013 coat Wolford Colorado Turtleneck Bodysuit. Kim Kardashian Leaving a radio station in New York November 25 2013.
CELINE Pre-Fall 2013 coat
love all the different coats!
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