Ako bih želela da izdvojim neku boju ovog proleća, to bi svakako bila žuta. I to limun žuta, u isto vreme svetla i intenzivna, savršena nijansa za proleće. Nedavno ste u ovom postu mogli da me vidite u sakou u ovoj nijansi. 🙂 Ovaj neobičan model haljine, sa džepovima, “Petar Pan” kragnom sa cirkonima i zanimljivim izrezom, pogodan je za mnoge prilike. Inače, ove slike su nastale u divnom Novom Sadu. 🙂
If you would like to single out only one color for this spring, it would certainly be yellow. Lemon yellow, at the same time light and intense, perfect shade for spring. In this post, I was wearing that shade on my blazer. 🙂 I just love this unusual dress with pockets, Peter Pan collar with rhinestones and interesting neckline, suitable for many occasions. By the way, these photos were taken in beautiful Novi Sad. 🙂
I was wearing:
dress: Zara
sunnies: Mango
shoes, clutch: Primark
trench coat: Burberry
bracelets, earrings: H&M
love your dress! xxxxxxxx
Izgledas fenomenalno! Limun zuta ti stoji odlicno!