Savršen letnji dan u Havani, lagana šetnja uz sladoled od kokosa, poseta prelepom muzeju revolucije Museo de la Revolución. I predah u mom omiljenom kafiću na celoj Kubi, Cafe & Boutique Jacqueline Fumero.U ovom kafiću možete piti najbolji Daiquirí, a pored njega je i luksuzan butik, prvi koji sam videla u Havani, jer su kod njih radnje sa garderobom prava retkost! Kokteli, muzika, osećaj kao da sam se našla u središtu nekog prelepog umetničkog dela, sa oldtajmerima i šarenim prozorima na predivnim zgradama oko mene,idealan dan. Odabrala sam belu haljinu od čipke i ravne sandale, zanimljive zelene minđuše od žada i moje omiljene Ray Ban naočare za sunce. Dan smo završili sa salsom i divnim novim prijateljima sa Kube.
Perfect summer day in Havana, walking around Old Havana, trying coconut ice cream, visit to the beautiful Museum of the Revolution Museo de la Revolución. Time to rest in my favorite cafe in the whole Cuba Cafe & Boutique Jacqueline Fumero. At this coffee shop, you can drink the best Daiquirí, and next to it is a luxury boutique, the first one I saw in Havana, as wardrobe shops there are a rarity! Cocktails, music, feeling like I’m in the middle of a beautiful work of art, with the old-timers and colorful windows on a beautiful building around me, a ideal day. For my outfit, I chose a white lace dress and flat sandals, interesting green jade earrings and my favorite Ray Ban sunglasses. We finished the day with salsa and wonderful new friends from Cuba.
I was wearing:
derss: Primark
bag, bracelet: H&M
sunnies: Ray Ban
Hi Anastasija!
I was wondering if you could give me some advice on dining dresscode in Havana Cuba 🙂 I plan to go to Cuba to celebrate my birthday soon! I have a lacey blue dress, pretty much like the one you are wearing in the picture, but its longer to the knees. Are there any restaurants you know about for fine dining, where I could dress up but at the same time where the prices are not too expensive? Someplace elegant yet simple.
Your suggestion is much appreciated! 🙂
Hi doll! Yes, that kind of a lace dress is perfect for your birthday in Cuba! About restaurants, The IBEROSTAR Parque Central Hotel is realy nice, but If you don’t want it to be too expensive, you can go to Los Nardos. For the drinks I loved Hotel Nacional de Cuba!
Thanks so much dear!! I will check out those places you’ve mentioned!! 🙂