Moja Toskanska bajka ne bi bila potpuna bez La Bandita Townhouse hotela. Autentičan, urban i moderan a u isto vreme toliko šarmantan, savršena baza za osvajanje gradića Pienze ali i cele Toskane.
Ovde možete pročitati više o samom gradu Pienzi.
Ono što mi je bilo posebno zanimljivo je da je vlasnik hotela, John Voigtmann, koji je inače bio muzički mogul i u Njujorku producirao albume Christini Aguileriji i grupama Maroon 5 i The Strokes, ostavio karijeru i došao da živi baš u ovom gradiću, gde je mesto koje je nekada bilo ženski manastir pretvorio u ovaj urbani hotel. Hotel gde se osećete kao kod kuće, spavate u najudobnijem krevetu, uživate u prostranoj dnevnoj sobi i biblioteci gde možete degustirati vina, italijanski Aperitivo, uživati u pločama, baštici… Hotel gde se vodi računa o svakom detalju, ljubazno osoblje stoji vam na raspolaganju šta god da vam je potrebno, i daje savete koja lokalna mesta posetiti. Ovde sam jela najbolji doručak ikada, uz večeru dobila ukusan šampanjac, a u sobi imala aparat za kafu, pa sam je sebi spremala kada god poželim. Nikada do sada nisam doživela da mi sobu spreme dva puta, da kupke, šampon i mleko za telo (kao i čitava soba) tako divno mirišu, zapravo ovde su sve one sitnice koje život znače bile podrazumevane, i ni u jednom trenutku mi nešto nije zafalilo. Zbog svega toga ću ovaj hotel uvek pamtiti, a zbog ovog događaja ovaj hotel će mi večno biti omiljeni na celom svetu!
My Tuscan fairy tail wouldn’t be complete without this hotel. Authentic, urban and modern and also oh so charming, La Bandita Townhouse Hotel is the perfect base for exploring the small town of Pienza and the whole of Tuscany. If you like romance and wine, this is the place for you, with the inevitable Brunello and Vino Nobile wine regions as well as the charming hilltowns of southern Tuscany: Montepulciano, Montalcino, Cortona, Siena, and others in southern Tuscany. Read more about Pienza here.
Hotel La Bandita Townhouse gets you the very best from Tuscany: fantastic wine selection, one of the best restaurants in Tuscany, unique feeling and a 5 star service.
The hotel is located in the Pienza,the heart of Tuscany, as it sits in the midle of some of the most photographed landscapes in Italy.
The hotel owner, John Voigtmann, former VP of International Marketing at Sony, where he was responsible for publishing the records of artists such as Maroon 5, The Strokes, and Christina Aguilera, left New York City and came to live in this very place, where he turned RENAISSANCE-ERA PALAZZO WHERE NUNS HAVE LIVED FOR OVER 500 YEARS in to this modern hotel.
Hotel where you feel like at home, sleep in the most comfortable bed, enjoy the spacious living room and a library where you can have Italian Aperitivo and listen to the records...
Hotel where every detail is perfect and well planed, friendly staff that are available to you whatever you need them, and that will give you advice what local places to visit. Here I ate the best breakfast ever, got a tasty dinner with champagne. Here I had a coffee maker in the room, so I was preparing myself coffee whenever I wanted. I’ve never experienced having my hotel room twice cleened one dayuntil now! Shower Gel , shampoo and body milk (and the whole room) had wonderful smell, actually all those little (and big) things were excellent here, it was all in the details andI didn’t miss a thing. Because of all of that, I will always remember this hotel and I recommend everyone to stay there. After all, that was the place I was engaged!!:)
I was wearing:
floral pants: Zara (old)
tee: F21
sandals, bag, trench coat: Zara (new collection)
And here is my Italy Haul 2015 :
Tom Ford Triple Buckle Sandals:
Dolce & Gabbana Black Lace Espadrilles
Dolce & Gabbana Dolce Bag
Divno Anastasko 🙂