Tog dana smo krenuli do obližnje luke kako bi iznajmili “longtail” čamac i otišli do Koralnog Ostrva poznatog po fantastičnom podvodnom svetu. Usput smo stali na mesto sa prelepim pogledom na plaže Katu i Karon (Kata-Karon Viewpoint). Nakon zanimljivog puta po nemirnom moru (samo sam čekala neku ajkulicu da iskoči) stigli smo na ostrvo. Zavalila sam se u ležanjku i bila oduševljena što u tom delu nema gužve, turisti su bili na drugom delu plaže. Rupe u pesku sa obimom teniskih loptica ukazivale su na prisustvo povećih račića, ali sam se nekako već navikla na to. Međutim, kao da sam osećala da raćići nisu jedini razlog za strah. 🙂 Početak džungle bio je samo na nekoliko koraka od ležaljke, a kada sam malo bolje pogledala, videla sam da nam društvo prave džinovski gušteri. Ni manje, ni više – Komodo zmajevi. Tek tada sam videla da se plaža zove po njima. Pobegla sam u vodu jer sam čula da u nju ne ulaze, iako su mi konobari iz restorana pored rekli da nisu opasni (a nekoliko minuta nakon toga hranili su ih živim mesom, videla sam da ih je bilo oko 20!!!). Ali, ni sama ne znam kako, nisam bila uplašena. U vodi sam otkrila ljubičaste morske krastavce i morske zvezde. Zaista zanimljiv dan!:)
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Andaman Sea |
That day we went to a nearby ferry to rent a longtail boat and go to Coral Island, famous for fantastic underwater world. Along the way we stopped at a beautiful place, Karon–Kata Viewpoint. After an interestingtrip in rough seas we arrived on the island. I sat back in beach chair and was delighted that area wasn’t crowded, tourists were in another part of the beach. The holes in the sand were big like tennis balls, so large crabs were certainly around , but I kinda got used to it already. But, that wasn’t all. Just a few steps from my deckchair I saw giant lizards in the jungle. They were Komodo dragons. Then I saw that the beach is named after them. I escaped into the water because I heard that they don’t go there, though we waiters from the restaurant said they were not dangerous (and a few minutes later, they fed them raw meat, I saw that there were about 20 dragons!). I even don’t know how, but I wasn’t so scared. In the water I discovered purple sea cucumbers and starfish. Really interesting day 🙂
Coral Island is outstanding, and comes closer than most to fulfilling that seductive mental image we all seen to have of discovering a remote, perfect, untouched island escape, where the sand is pure and white, the water translucent, the sunsets inspiring and the crowds far away.
Situated three kilometres off the south-east coast of Phuket, the island is surrounded by colourful coral reefs, hence the name Coral Island. The island has two long stretches of white, sandy beach on one side, and a few quiet bays on the other.
Only 15 mins by speedboat or 30 mins by ferry from Phuket, there’s total seclusion in this lovely resort.
A short trek over the small hill and rocks will lead you to a small, quiet cove with a beautiful beach.
An excellent hideaway during the day. Fishing and a sunset sailing cruise can also be arranged. Watersports are available on the beach.
I was wearing:
bikini: La Perla
sunnies: Mango
bracelets: H&M
bikini: La Perla
sunnies: Mango
bracelets: H&M
We had to finish a day with a lovely lunch:
Uzivala sam gledajuci ove predivne slike <3
Hahahahah, na Tajlandu nikad dosadno! I ja sam imala dozivljaje sa zanimljivim zivuljkicama :))
predivno 😀
Mogu da zamislim iznenadjenje…
Baš si zgodna, svaka čast!
Jel možeš da nam kažeš visinu i težinu?
I kako održavaš tako savršenu liniju?
Uživancija 🙂
Po ovim slikama zapravo i vidim kako si uzivala 🙂
komodo, ne ne, jezim se! :/
svako svoje kriterijume, po meni ovo nije neka savrsena linija. ovaj kupaci ti ne stoji, prebleda si za njega
Vani je glupi snijeg, tako da tvoje slike izgledaju nevjerojatne! Želim biti tamo Ilina
I’m so jealous, this place looks amazing!
Ulepsala si mi dan, u Beogradu sneg…