Eksplozija raskošne senzualnosti: Kejt Mos, seks simbol 1990-tih, oličenje je lepote 21. veka. Na fotografijama Nick Knight-a, engleski model – kao moderna pin-ap devojka – zavodi na svakoj fotografiji, sve više i više…
“Na fotografijama sam hteo da uhvatim aspekte senzualnosti koji obično nisu izraženi ili prihvaćeni u savremenoj modi, Kate Moss je savršena za to”, izjavio je fotograf.
Super top model, uoči njenog 37. rođendana (16. januar), nastavlja da fascinira javnost: Američki Vogue je nedavno krunisao kao “naj šik ženu decenije”, a pored toga, trenutno u prodaji je njen parfem, “Vintage Muse“(like the name!). Njena burna ljubavna priča sa muzičarom Pete Doherty-jem i kokain – skandal u 2005. već čini deo daleke prošlosti, koji nisu uništili imidz Kate Moss.
Na slikama mi jako liči na Vanessu Paradis. suprugu Katine bivše ljubavi…A možda je samo zbog braon perike (sjajno joj stoji, zar ne?)
Explosive and voluptuous sensuality: Kate Moss, sex symbol of the 1990s, embodies the century’s new beauty. In photographs by Nick Knight, the English model – like a modern pin-up girl – seduces shot after shot.
“In the photo shoot I wanted to capture aspects of sensuality that usually are not expressed or accepted by contemporary fashion. And Kate Moss was perfect for this”, declared the photographer regarding the photographic feature you can see in the gallery above.
The super top model, on the eve of her 37th birthday (which will take place on 16 January), continues to fascinate the public: recently Vogue America crowned her “the most chic woman of the decade” and she has just launched her perfume, “Vintage Muse”. Her tumultuous love story with the musician Pete Doherty and the 2005 cocaine scandal already seem part of a distant past, which have not tarnished the image of Kate Moss.
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love this blog!
taman kad sam pomislila da sam je videla u svakom izdanju i sve moguce editorijale pojavi se ovo, stvarno je drugacija, ponajvise zbog frizure!odlicne su fotografije! 🙂
Nema nikoga kao Kate, Love her! Im hosting a giveaway, would love for you to enter! Pozz
love kate moss and your blog!!! thank’s for commentiing in mine =D!!! My camera is sx20 is Canon… in the first pictures.. but the latest one’s are with my friend’s camera.. is also a canon but I don’t know wich one :S! mine is semi-prefesional and her’s is profesional.. hope to be helpfull.. merry christmas!! wish you the best,