Na mom instagram nalogu imali ste priliku da vidite da sam na jednom divnom putovanju (sledeći instagram post biće posvećen isključivo Kubi) i zbog toga me jedno vreme nije bilo na blogu. Ovaj instagram post posvećen je mojim momentima iz aprila 2014, tu su outfiti, i po običaju – kafa, hrana i moje drugarice! 🙂 Sitnice koje život znače!
On my Instagram you had a chance to see that I am on a wonderful vacation ( next instagram post will be dedicated exclusively to Cuba), and therefore I was MIA. This instagram post is dedicated to my moments of April 2014, outfits, and as usual – coffee, food, and my friends! 🙂 The little things that are everiting!
From the Red Jumpsuit Outfit post:
Spring dress Outfit:
Belgrade fashion Week Outfit:
TBT moments:
With My Girls:
And yummy food:
Odlican Instagram foto dnevnik! Bas su lijepe fotke a sva hrana izgleda preukusno!