Ovaj outfit je nastao za vikend, dok su temperature još uvek bile jednake onim letnjim. Pruge obožavam, volim blejzere i kardigane koji kao i ovaj nemaju tipično kopčanje napred, već ovako naborani deo. Zapravo, od kako sam videla Rihannin video spot What’s My Name, želela sam ovakav blejzer. Takođe, ovakvi komadi odeće su idealni za sva godišnja doba, mogu se kombinovati uz suknje, šorceve, pantalone, farmerke… A i crno-bela kombinacija odlično ide uz sve boje, tako da će me ovaj blejzer inspirisati za još puno zanimljivih kombinacija.
This outfit was created for the weekend, while temperatures were still as it was summer. I love stripes, and also, I love blazers and cardigans like this one, it goes well with skirts, shorts, pants, jeans… In fact, ever since I saw Rihanna’s music video What’s My Name, I wanted this blazer. And black and white combination can be combined with all of colors, so this blazer will inspire me for a lot of interesting outfits in the fall.
I was wearing:
blazer: Oasap
shorts: Pull & Bear
t-shirt, sunnies, flats: H&M
bag: Dior
bracelets: random and from Zorannah fashion corner
iPhone cover: iconemesis
Sjajne fotografije, sjajan outfit. Blejzer ti savrseno pristaje!
blejzer je prelep!
Blejzer je fenomenalan! I lepo je mesto za slikanje :):-*
Baš je zanimljive blejzer!
Prelepo izgledas, sako je sjajan, kao i baletanke <3 !
Savrsen blazer! 🙂
Lep je blejzer 🙂
Volim sakoice,jer ih mozes nositi cijelu godinu!Divan je tvoj prugasti!;)
Blejzer je skroz kul!;)
divan blejzer..
Nasmejana divnaaa, blejzer je 10+
Odlican blejzer.
bas je cool blazer! 🙂
great post! your blog is nice! maybe we follow each other!? let me know 🙂 greetings http://www.yuliekendra.com
Prelepa si ♥ Super je kombinacija!
Blejzer mi se baš sviđa 😉
fenomenalan blazer! Bubimir ti sigurno zavidi 😉
Odlicno! Sako je fenomenalan i slike su prelepe!
Check out: http://belgradefashionradar.blogspot.com/ :)))
Mmm, odlican je blejzer 😉
A vec mi nedostaje to lepo vreeeme! 😛
odlican blejzer..super fotke 🙂
wow you look amazing, in love with your blazer!!
Nice blazer, love the stripes 🙂
Great look! The blazer is fantastic! Agh so jealous of your weather.. its raining all day here and its freezing 🙁
i love this look,
you look amazing and i adore your blond long hair!
the blazer is cool, very eyecatchy,
can’t remeber it from rihannas videos but i don’t watch music videos often ;D
but i believe she would wear such a jacket, ’cause it is very elegant,s exy and yet classy and trendy.
you look amazing in this outfit!
I adore your blog, keep on doing this wonderful thing you do here.
I had to follow you, you have a new fan now <3
Hope you may visit my blog,too
Your Amely Rose from:
I love your hair color! =)
love the blazer, so adorb!!!
Jako mi je blejzer dopada. Super mi izgledas! 🙂