Hyde Park is one of the largest parks in central London, and one of the Royal Parks of London. I really love the parks in London, they are so charming and beautiful, If you ask me, the most beautiful parks in the world. My autumn outfit is all about darker shades, and interesting green color on the sweater, similar to the color of the leaves of trees behind me. Do you remember this Hyde Park post from last year? 🙂
Hajd Park je jedan od najvećih parkova u centralnom Londonu, Parkovi u ovom lepom gradu su me toliko šarmirali da slobodno mogu reći da su najlepši na svetu.U mom jesenjem outfitu dominiraju tamnije nijanse, i zanimljiva zelena boja na dzemperu, slična boji lišća na drveću iza mene. Vreme leti. sećate li se ovog posta iz Hajd parka od prošle godine? 🙂
jumper-blazer: Mango
bag: Chanel
headband: Dauphines of New York
blouse, ankle boots: H&M
pants: Rock & Republic
cizme su mi odlicne
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Ovo mi je jedan od omiljenih postova na tvom blogu 😀
http://stilafashion.blogspot.com/2013/11/new-skirt.html prodaja suknji na mom,za samo 2999 RSD 😀
Amazing look
My Lyfe ; My Story
@MyLyfeMyStory ♥ ♥
Super odevna kombinacija. Cizme su divne.
Thanks a ton for utilizing free time in order to write “Hyde Park – London outfit | Stasha Fashion”.
Many thanks once again -Consuelo