Ovoga dana avantura počinje na vrhu prelepog hotela Saratoga. Pogled je fenomenalan, ostaviću slike da govore više od reči. Iako se hotel IBEROSTAR Parque Central smatra najboljim u Havani, Beyonce, dok je bila na Kubi, odsela je u Saratoga Hotelu. Kokteli pored bazena bili su odlični, a uz uz dobro društvo i prelepo mesto kao što je ovo, sve to postaje jedna prelepa uspomena. A nakon toga, rešili smo da obiđemo Miramar Havana Bus Tour-om, što je odličan način da se vidi grad. Prošli smo pored predivnog Malecón-a (o njemu ste mogli da pročitate i u ovom postu). Imali smo i prilike da vidimo veliki Če Gevarin mural na severnom delu trga Revolucije, sa čuvenim rečima Hasta la Victoria Siempre ( uvek ka pobedi ). Kada putujem, volim da prvenstveno biram udobne kombinacije, a ovaj miks bele bluze od čipke, mint lepršave suknje i upečatljivih ravnih sandala bio je odličan izbor.
This day, adventure begins at the top of the beautiful Saratoga Hotel. The view is phenomenal, I’ll let the photos speak louder than words. Although the Hotel Iberostar Parque Central is considered the best in Havana, Beyonce, when she was in Cuba, stayed at the Saratoga Hotel. Cocktails by the pool with our friends from Cuba were unforgettable experience. And after that, we decided to travel around Havana via Havana Bus Tour, which is a great way to see the city. We passed by a beautiful Malecón (read about it in this post). We had the opportunity to see a large Che Guevara mural on the northern side of the Plaza de la Revolución in Havana Vedado, with the famous words Hasta la Victoria Siempre (Always toward Victory) underneath. When I travel, I like to primarily choose comfortable outfits, and this mix of white lace blouse, mint skirt and striking flat sandals was a great choice.
I was wearing:
skirt: Chicnova
blouse: NY
sandals: River Island
bag: Sheinside
sunnies: New Yorker
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