Dolazak proleća inspiriše me da nosim svetlije nijanse, a ovih dana ova specifična limun žuta boja mi je najdraži izbor. Konačno sam obula nove srebrne Starke a boyfriend jeans i opušteniji outfit sam upotpunila interesantnom ogrlicom i naočarima za sunce. Jako sam srećna što je proleće tu!
Arrival of the spring inspires me to wear brighter shades, and these days, this particular lemon yellow color is my favorite choice. Finally, I put on a silver All Stars sneakers. And I completed the cozy and relaxed outfit (boyfriend jeans is the new track suit if you ask me 🙂 ) with an interesting necklace and sunglasses. I am very happy that spring is here!
I was wearing:
sneakers: Converse All Star
boyfriend jeans: Zara
blazer: Chicnova
necklace: H&M
sunnies, bag: Zara
Fantasticno ti pristaje žuta boja! Sako i torba su bas po mom ukusu 🙂
bas je lep sako i ta zuta boja 🙂
Torba je predivna 🙂
Prelepooooooooooo,moja boja! 🙂