Ništa me ne veseli kao kada nosim rese, a pored toga što mi je ova suknja jako lepa, volim da kažem da mi je i prezabavna! Klasičan spoj crne i bele, i neočekivani spoj čipkanih rukava i resa, kao i zlatnih detalja na torbi i cipelama.I crveni ruž na usnama kao najbitniji i neprolazni modni detalj.
Nothing makes me happy like wearing fringe, and besides this skirt is very beautiful, it is also too much fun to wear it! The classic combination of black and white, with unexpected mix of lace sleeves and fringes, and golden details on the bag and shoes is what makes this outfit interesting to wear.And red lipstick as the most important and timeless fashion detail.
I was wearing:
skirt: H&M
blouse: Zara
shoes: Tom Ford Triple–Buckle Metallic Sandal
bag: Dolce&Gabbana dolce bag
bracelets: Étienne Aigner
A ovde pogledajte i moj najnoviji video:
photos by my doll Jovana
Skroz je dobra. Jako i se sviđa 🙂