Upravo na radiu slušam jednu sjajnu poruku – Počnite dan i završite mesec osmehom. Osmeh je definitivno moj moto i mislim da rešava sve probleme. Sjajna poruka za bilo koji dan. Ne mogu verovati da je već poslednji dan februara, jako brzo mi je proleteo i iako najavljuju kišoviti vikend jako mu se radujem! A petkom je osmeh uvek najširi na mom licu. 🙂 Što se outfita tiče, iako su prvobitno za bordo šešir bile rezervisane bordo štiklice, odlučila sam se za topliju i udobniju varijantu. Posebno su mi dragi zimski outfiti svetlijih boja, a boja ovog kaputića mi je posebno interesantna. Želim vam svima predivan vikend!
Hello guys and dolls! Here is one great message for the day– Start the day and finish the month with a smile. A smile is definitely my motto and I think it solves all problems. Great message for any day. I can’t believe it’s already the last day of February, time flies!! And Friday is always reserved for the widest smile on my face. 🙂 And now lets talk about outfit. Initially I wanted to wear burgundy high heels with this hat, but, I decided to warm up and I chose comfortable option. During winter I specially love lighter colors in outfit, and the color of the coat is of particular interesting to me. I wish you all a wonderful weekend!
I was wearing:
hat: London Portabello market
watch, bag: Michael Kors
coat: Rosewhosale
sweater: Massimo Dutti
pants, bracelets: H&M
necklace: f21
boots: Ugg
Super šešir i kaputić.
Skroz po mom ukusu 🙂
i can’t believe february is over too! it went so fast. love your cranberry touches!