Kada su zvonaste farmerke u pitanju, ne bi smele da budu ni previše kratke, ni previše duge, i pored toga što se moraju nositi sa štiklama, najelegantnije izgledaju nošene uz cipele špicastog vrha, čak i kada je u pitanju jedna ležerna kombinacija kao ova. Ovaj džemper petrolej nijanse mi je omiljen kada dođu hladni dani, mislim da su ovrized džemperi jedan od najkorisnijih trendova, jer greju a i izgledaju zanimljivo uz šta god da se kombinuju!
When it comes to flare leg jeans, they should not be neither too short or too long in length. You should always wear them with high heels, it is so much better that way, plus, your legs will look that much longer!You will achieve the most elegant look when you wear them with pointed high heeled shoes(I love how comfy this pair from TopShop is!), even when it comes to a casual outfit like this one. This petroleum colored sweater is one of my favorite ones when cold days come, I think ovrized sweaters are one of the most useful trends, because they and look so interesting and they make you warm, plus, you have so many options for pairing them with another clothing items like pants and skirts, heels and boots, I love the mix and match game!
I was wearing:
jeans, bag: Zara
shoes: Top Shop
sweater: Persunmall
Ovo mi je super! 😉
Baš mi se sviđa tvoj džemper. Imaš divan osmeh. Inače gledala sam neke tvoje video snimke danas, sviđa mi se koliko si energična i vesela!
Divno, dopada mi se sve!
Prelep dzemper 🙂
Svidja mi se ovaj outfit, iako “zvonaste” pantalone nisu moj fazon
Pogledajte moj blog i prijavite se http://pinkybeautyblog.blogspot.rs/2015/11/wishlist-dressgal.html