Omiljena stvar kod zimskih (svakodnevnih) outfita su mi slojevi. Sa slojevima se možete igrati i sklopiti topao i zanimljiv outfit u isto vreme. Definitivno mislim da sam više za šešire nego z a kape, ovaj bordo uvek svakoj odevnoj kombinaciji da posebnu dozu elegancije. Boje sam sklapala inspirisana košuljom, i iako je uglavnom rizik kada ono što nosite ima više od dve boje, ja sam jako zadovoljna ovim rezultatom i miksom nijansi.
My favorite thing about winter (daily) outfits are layers. You can play with them and make a warm and interesting outfit at the same time. I definitely think that I’m more a hat then beaniee person, this burgundy one always makes any apparel more elegant. This shirt inspired me to make this outfit,, and although it is mainly the risk when you wear more than two colors, but I am very pleased with this result and the mix of colors.
I was wearing:
pannts, coat, vest, shirt: Zara
hat: London Portobello Road
bag: Oasap
boots: from Italy
necklace: Shhh Jewellrery (
and here is my latest vlog, it’s short but I hope you’ll like it!:)
Prelep sesir 🙂
Šeširić i torba su odlični, čak sam mislila da je torba dizajnerska kad ono Oasap, baš je lijepa boja. 🙂